We went to Pier 77 (our reception site) tonight and had a delicious dinner. Thank you to Katie and John who had given us a gift certificate! This is the 3rd 9/27 in a row it has rained! If anyone decides to get married on the 27th of September, don't do it.
Alec had a rough week last after his last round of chemo. The side effects are cumulative and it seems to get a little worse each week. It stinks, because there is not much that can help and you have to sort of wait it out. Drinking a lot of water and Gatorade makes him feel better and that's about all I can give him. Luckily this is an off week, and he has one more week before there is another scan.
We were very disappointed that we missed Alec's friends Dave and Lisa's wedding on Saturday night, there was just no way he would have been much fun to be around. We laid low this weekend and each day he feels a little better. By the time he is back to normal will be time for another round of chemo to kick him back down.
We did get to go see "The Town" this weekend which was awesome! Such a great movie and it was so cool because we had seen them filming in Southie a couple times at the flower shop by Tina and Bobs place. We gave the movie 2 thumbs up and I was having dreams last night Alec and I started to rob banks!
Jill and Brian went sky diving for Brian's 30th Birthday. We met them over in Lebanon and watched those crazy kids jump out of a plane. Growing up Jill would not venture beyond Dumbo or the Tea Cups in Disney, so to see her sky dive was pretty wild! Alec and I are dying to go, we think maybe next summer!

Thats about all for us this week! We are praying and hoping for a good scan result in a few weeks. Please keep the prayers coming!
Thank you!
Heather & Alec and MIllie