Happy Prez Day!
Hope everyone had a nice long weekend. We did not do anything too exciting, Alec went ice fishing with the guys and my Mom came up to keep me company. While Alec didn't have any luck catching fish, we had lots of luck bargain shopping, and no, not at Mardens this time. (although we did stop in, but the only exciting purchase was a few bags of stale candy and a rubber frisbee for Millie). I cant wait to unveil the nursery and some of the deals from the weekend we got for the little Bambinos room!
Today Alec and I thought we would try to get a few more home improvement projects done. I can honestly say for the first time, our improvements turned into disasters! It started with a trip to Ace Hardware and Home Depot. We bought new lighting for the kitchen. Nothing too complicated, just a ceiling light, a sconce and some recessed lighting for under the glass cabinet. The ceiling light we initially bought took Alec over an hour to hook up. After a few curse words and sweat, he finally got it up...only to realize it was too big and he and any other tall person would hit their head on the darned thing. So that came down and I was sent back to the Depot. He was going to start on the sconce while I was gone. I returned to find him placing the sconce back into the box and grumbling something about the wires not working. I had spent hours trying to screw in the recessed lighting under the cabinet and after I threw the screwdriver and cursed myself, Alec came over with his electric drill and screwed them in seconds. (mean while I had asked him hours ago if I could use his drill and he said no, it wouldn't work) My finger tips were so sore from trying to use this tiny screwdriver and tiny screws! After another hour struggle with the light I had exchanged, Alec finally had it up. And after my little lights were up under the cabinet, he broke the switch and decided he didn't like them after all so took them down. We were both so annoyed and frustrated by the end. I guess the lesson learned here is, next time we have any electrical work, we are calling Uncle Rick!
It is always funny how things happen. I had been driving home last Thursday night thinking about what life has thrown at us (I am usually on the phone and not thinking to myself). I was thinking how we really do not let cancer define us. To the every day person, we are just a married couple, madly in love and expecting a baby. And why should we have it any other way? That would be like surrendering to what it is trying to and we believe so strongly that we will get through this. When I got home Alec had just opened a card and letter from his relative, Molly. It it was a poem that I could so relate to, and it was like my thoughts from the last hour were some how on paper and in this poem. I am so thankful she shared it with us.
Cancer Cannot...
It doesn't discriminate from me to you;
It changes life in one split second,
But here's what it cannot do...
It cannot take our courage or strength,
Our willingness to persevere,;
It can't take our spirit or faith,
Our hope that a cure is near.
It cannot take our persistence or patience,
Our ability to walk with pride;
It cant take our self respect,
As we fight for every stride.
It cannot take our sights or dreams,
Our wishes it cannot shatter;
It cant take our memories,
Our account for what truly matters.
It cannot take our integrity or mind
Our willingness to feel alive;
It cant take our continuous prayer
Our belief that we will survive.
I think it was a God Wink that she sent this, and it really is the little things such as a poem or quote or story of survival that get us through. How could we not have hope after reading this?!
Alec has chemo tomorrow and then 2 more before another scan. We pray every day and night that chemo is working and God is healing and making miracles happen.
Thank you all for the prayers and thoughts. We are so blessed in so many ways and we continue to hold our heads high and fight this battle.
All our love,
Heather, Alec,
Millie & Bam