2 weeks old!
Yikes, this time is just flying by. Remind me next baby to plan it this way, June, July and August off, it just doesn't get any better! We are thoroughly enjoying little Chase and the beautiful weather and not letting a day slip by without a trip (or two) to the beach.
We took Chase on the boat on Saturday for the first time and I think Alec has a new fishing partner. Although we somehow need to teach him to hold a rod. No fish on, but we had fun and Chase must have enjoyed because he slept the entire time.

Yes, they make life jackets this small!!!

In from our first boat ride.

Passed out on Daddy's lap after a long day of fishing.

Sleeping is what I do best!

Auntie Jill and Chase on GRB.

Mill and Finn have been out for a walk every day, twice a day. I am really trying to give Millie more attention. My Mom totally called me out, I guess we were walking and Millie kept coming up to me and I totally ignored her, I felt so bad that I even invited her to cuddle with Chase and I in bed this morning.
Alec started a new job, he is working for an engineering company at his friend Tom's new company. He is really excited and happy about being back at work, but had leave Chase and I and go to Canada from Sunday, returning today. I know it was harder for him to leave than it was for us (especially since my Mom came up to help) but we miss him so much! He calls us every day and says he even misses changing Chase's dirty diapers! Don't worry Daddy, we have plenty of those waiting for you! He really likes what he is doing, and working with all guys is nice for a change. He gets to wear carharts and a hard hat to work, quite a change from OB/GYN sales!

Chase milk drunk.
Rather than going to a pediatricians office and exposing Chase to germs,(yes we are a little OCD about germs!) we opted to have visiting nurses come by which is a great service. Chase was examined and he is doing awesome. He has gained one whole pound since his last appointment on May 29th. It makes me very happy and at least I know that nursing is paying off and he is a healthy, growing boy.

I feel so good, I cant believe how fast you can recover after having a baby. Exactly two weeks from when Chase was born I felt 100%. Somehow I am still funtioning on little sleep, but coffee and walks on the beach can do wonders for the body and soul!
Back to reality tomorrow...Alec has chemo. He took last week off, and I was so glad he did, he needed it and I needed him. Dr. Allen said it would be completly fine to take a week off here and there, so we did just that. Hopefully he wont feel too yucky this weekend and we can head back out on the boat for some more fishing on these hot days!
That is all for now, thank you all for the cards, clothes, books, prayers, everything! We feel so blessed and we are enjoying every minute of being a family.
Love to all!
Heather, Alec, Chase and Millie