This is one of the best books I have read in a long time. I could not put it down and within 2 days (2 long Chase naps) I was done, I laughed, cried and I actually want to read it a second time so that I can take notes.
Reading use to be one of my favorite things to do. I would read all kinds of books, fiction, non fiction, action, mystery, love stories. However, ever since Alec died, I have been struggling. I try to read a book, and unless I can 100% relate to it, I just can not get into it. (So no, I never did read any of the 50 Shades) I am unsure why this has happened, I guess I don't have the time or patience or I really don't care about reading anything but non-fiction or books that are going to make me a better person or enlighten me in some way. This book did that for me.
Michael and Cara Chase are friends from church, Alec and I met them when we first started going and we became fast friends. Cara and I walk together often and a couple times a month have "book club" with a few other church ladies. I had been hearing about Michael's book for a while now, as Cara was editing it and they were letting me in on little bits and pieces. Then one day he asked me if he could use an entry from my blog, the one about Millie. Of course he could! I was honored, excited and so happy that we would be part of such a special book.
So here goes my book review.
Loving Everyone is Marley and Me meets a self help book. Mollie, the Chase's poodle do I put this politely...Wild? Crazy? Puppy-like? Bad? No, not bad...OK kinda bad. But oh so sweet! The first time I met Mollie, I was sitting at the Chase's table, eating a chip with dip on it and as I went to put it in my mouth, poof, it was gone. Just like that. Mollie! Bad girl! In your kennel! And, that is just one example. But Mollie, like every dog is loving, and has lots of energy, she just wants to make the most of each day. She is like a kid who has so much to offer that sometimes she gets overwhelmed and gets a little...errr...out of control? But in the end you want to give her a big kiss and cuddle her on the couch. Wait...Mollie, get off the couch! Michael has such a way of capturing Molle's crazy antics, but then he thoughtfully proves his point, that dogs love everyone, and humans can too, we just have to go about it a different way. I actually did not think that it was possible, to Love Everyone. But after reading his book, I learned that it actually is. Michael walks us through the process, how we can live happier, healthier, more enlightened lives by being a bit more like Miss Mollie or your favorite canine friend.
I love this book. It really will enlighten you. It will make you look at not only dogs differently, but people too. It will be the perfect summer read. Number 1 on your book list.
Please check out "The Radical Practice of Loving Everyone: A four-legged approach to enlightenment." It will give you a whole new perspective on life, love, and what matters most. It's now available on Amazon and everywhere books are sold!
New book trailer for "The Radical Practice of Loving Everyone: A four-legged approach to enlightenment."
Congrats to Michael, Cara and Mollie for writing such an incredible book, you should be so proud! And thank you for making us a part of it, I am honored!