Alec had two big appointments this afternoon and we are now on track to tackle the lymphoma.
Dr. Tekvorian, (the lymphoma doctor) said he is ready to start Alec's chemo regimen as soon as Alec is. He wants to get started this Monday, but Alec is going to give it a week. I think it is something you need to mentally prepare for and a few days notice is just not enough. I literally said to Dr. T "Git Er Done" when talking about a start date. (Gosh I am such a redneck!) This treatment is called R-CHOP, and it stands for 5 different types of drugs that will be administered once every two weeks at MGH. Each session will last a few hours. Side effects are different than the last chemotherapy, but Dr. T is not too worried because Alec tolerated the last round so well. He may lose his hair, but that does not matter to a guy like Alec. He had such a close buzz cut last month he looked bald and I kinda liked it :) (Although my mom saw a photo with his head by the sink and thought he was the plumber!)
Dr. Shellito (his surgeon) also had a look at Alec and said he was pleased with his recovery. He gave the green light to move forward with Dr. T's chemo plan. (3 week recovery...not bad huh?) He also thinks that Dr. Allen (Alec's oncologist) is going to want to do 6 more months of chemo after the lymphoma treatment. This is all what we were expecting, 8 months just seems so far away! I think Alec was feeling a little down about this, but I tried to make him see the bright side...some people have to do this for years and years, whats another 8 months!? Not to mention, summer is coming and Alec (who is not working) will most likely be fishing on his boat every day. Not a bad way to spend the next 8 months!
Then he will need to have the surgery to reverse the illeostomy once all the chemo is done. That puts us at 10-11 months from now.
We knew this was going to be a long road, and the worst part is over. We just need to stay focused on the end result. One day at a time. I think it can be very overwhelming when you think of 8 more months of chemo, I mean, we see the "light" it is just far, far away!
Either way, we are happy now because we just devoured a chocolate cake and who isn't happy after eating a chocolate cake!??
Last weekend my sisters and I ran 20 miles in Portsmouth, NH, one more long run then 26.2! I am looking forward to April 19th and then not running for a long, long time!
We can not wait to see some of you in Southie this weekend and also Easter Sunday! I have already overdosed on jelly beans and peeps. Why do stores put Easter candy out in February!?? I guess for people like me.
We were once again spoiled by my friends and family with tons of food from Omaha (thanks mom and auntie K) and my Salve girls who gave us a bag of delicious Italian food and stonewall kitchen goodies. Thank you everyone! We are so grateful for everything!
I can not wait to see the SUN again! This rain is the pits. Driving is so scary in the rain and I am sick of wearing my rubber boots!
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, enjoy the SUNSHINE, Easter candy, and time with family and friends.
We thank everyone for your prayers and support!
Heather, Alec, and Millie!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
Light at the End of the Tunnel!
Good News Monday!
After a beautiful, fabulous weekend in the sun, waking up Monday morning to a dreary cold day was not easy. However, the news we received today certainly brightened up our day and had us jumping for joy!
Alec spoke with Dr. Shellito (the surgeon) who gave us great news. He informed Alec that his lymph nodes came back negative! When I heard this news I was so happy I started to cry. This means the 5 weeks of chemo/radiation has not only shrunk the tumor (which is now out) but also killed the cancer that had started to spread into his lymph nodes and potentially into his bladder.
Dr. Allen (chemo doctor) also called Alec today with more good news. She told Alec that she was "very pleased" with pathology results and it will be safe to hold off on round two of chemo/radiation for the colorectal cancer. She said he is ready to move forward with treatment for the lymphoma. The next step is to meet with Dr. Tekvorian, who will come up with a start date and plan for chemo/radiation for the lymphoma.
We are absolutely thrilled. I took Millie for a walk tonight and I just thanked God hundreds of times. I feel like there is an end in sight and a light at the end of the tunnel.
Alec is feeling better every day. He even started working on small projects in the kitchen again. Don't worry, I will not have him hanging cabinets any time soon, but little trim work here and there cant hurt!
I told him that last week was a gift from God to him. Every day was absolutely beautiful, and he was able to lay out on the deck and enjoy some sun. Nothing makes you feel better like a little vitamin D! (I must admit I was jealous!) He has made a remarkable recovery and I am sure he will be 100% in no time.
It is amazing where the power of prayer and a positive attitude will take you.
We really feel as though we can breath a little easier and look to our future with even more certainty and things are going to be OK!
Thank you for your prayers and your support. Today was a very joyful day and we are so grateful!
All our Love,
Heather, Alec and Millie
After a beautiful, fabulous weekend in the sun, waking up Monday morning to a dreary cold day was not easy. However, the news we received today certainly brightened up our day and had us jumping for joy!
Alec spoke with Dr. Shellito (the surgeon) who gave us great news. He informed Alec that his lymph nodes came back negative! When I heard this news I was so happy I started to cry. This means the 5 weeks of chemo/radiation has not only shrunk the tumor (which is now out) but also killed the cancer that had started to spread into his lymph nodes and potentially into his bladder.
Dr. Allen (chemo doctor) also called Alec today with more good news. She told Alec that she was "very pleased" with pathology results and it will be safe to hold off on round two of chemo/radiation for the colorectal cancer. She said he is ready to move forward with treatment for the lymphoma. The next step is to meet with Dr. Tekvorian, who will come up with a start date and plan for chemo/radiation for the lymphoma.
We are absolutely thrilled. I took Millie for a walk tonight and I just thanked God hundreds of times. I feel like there is an end in sight and a light at the end of the tunnel.
Alec is feeling better every day. He even started working on small projects in the kitchen again. Don't worry, I will not have him hanging cabinets any time soon, but little trim work here and there cant hurt!
I told him that last week was a gift from God to him. Every day was absolutely beautiful, and he was able to lay out on the deck and enjoy some sun. Nothing makes you feel better like a little vitamin D! (I must admit I was jealous!) He has made a remarkable recovery and I am sure he will be 100% in no time.
It is amazing where the power of prayer and a positive attitude will take you.
We really feel as though we can breath a little easier and look to our future with even more certainty and things are going to be OK!
Thank you for your prayers and your support. Today was a very joyful day and we are so grateful!
All our Love,
Heather, Alec and Millie
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Life is not About How to Survive the Storm, but how to Dance in the Rain!
I do not usually forward forwards, but this one was so cute, I have to share. Both my mom and my dad sent it to me yesterday. It reminded me of Alec and I. Maybe because it was a hurricane on our wedding day and we still had so much fun or maybe because throughout this whole experience we continue to laugh and make the best of every situation. Or maybe its just because I love him so, so much and I can relate to the old man! Anyways, here is the story...

Dance in the Rain.
It was a busy morning, about 8:30, when an elderly gentleman in his 80s arrived to have stitches removed from his thumb. He said he was in a hurry as he had an appointment at 9:00 am.
I took his vital signs and had him take a seat, knowing it would be over an hour before someone would to able to see him. I saw him looking at his watch and decided, since I was not busy with another patient, I would evaluate his wound. On exam, it was well healed, so I talked to one of the doctors, got the needed supplies to remove his sutures and redress his wound.
While taking care of his wound, I asked him if he had another doctor's appointment this morning, as he was in such a hurry.
The gentleman told me no, that he needed to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his wife.. I inquired as to her health.
He told me that he had been there for a while and that she was a victim of Alzheimer's Disease.
As we talked, I asked if she would be upset if he was a bit late.
He replied that she no longer knew who he was, that she had not recognized him in five years now.
I was surprised, and asked him, 'And you still go every morning, even though she doesn't know who you are?'
He smiled as he patted my hand and said,
'She doesn't know me, but I still know who she is.'
I had to hold back tears as he left, I had goose bumps on my arm, and thought,
'That is the kind of love I want in my life.'
True love is neither physical, nor romantic.
True love is an acceptance of all that is, has been, will be, and will not be.
The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the best of everything they have.
'Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!!

Dance in the Rain.
It was a busy morning, about 8:30, when an elderly gentleman in his 80s arrived to have stitches removed from his thumb. He said he was in a hurry as he had an appointment at 9:00 am.
I took his vital signs and had him take a seat, knowing it would be over an hour before someone would to able to see him. I saw him looking at his watch and decided, since I was not busy with another patient, I would evaluate his wound. On exam, it was well healed, so I talked to one of the doctors, got the needed supplies to remove his sutures and redress his wound.
While taking care of his wound, I asked him if he had another doctor's appointment this morning, as he was in such a hurry.
The gentleman told me no, that he needed to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his wife.. I inquired as to her health.
He told me that he had been there for a while and that she was a victim of Alzheimer's Disease.
As we talked, I asked if she would be upset if he was a bit late.
He replied that she no longer knew who he was, that she had not recognized him in five years now.
I was surprised, and asked him, 'And you still go every morning, even though she doesn't know who you are?'
He smiled as he patted my hand and said,
'She doesn't know me, but I still know who she is.'
I had to hold back tears as he left, I had goose bumps on my arm, and thought,
'That is the kind of love I want in my life.'
True love is neither physical, nor romantic.
True love is an acceptance of all that is, has been, will be, and will not be.
The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the best of everything they have.
'Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Every Day A Little Better
It has been exactly a week since Alec had surgery and every day he is feeling a little better. He is still moving slowly and carefully and only from the couch, to the bed, to the bathroom, back to the bed. We have had 2 visits from the visiting nurses of Kennebunk and they were both very impressed with his progress. The nurse today could not believe how well he is doing.
Tonight we actually had chicken cordon bleu! (Thanks for the recipe Kendalle!)Although Alec only has small portions, he is eating and drinking plenty. He has lost a whopping 16 lbs since Monday. Luckily he was not a skinny guy had some weight to lose and I am sure he will not have a problem putting it back on. He is eating Auntie K's delicious brownies and a glass of milk right now. Thanks Auntie K!
We had a 16 mile run to do on Saturday, and boy was it tough! I guess I should not complain, because it did not rain like it did in Boston while Jill and Tina ran. But the wind was a killer, I ran against it for the entire 16 miles. I thought of the previous few days and it did not seem so hard after all that we had just been through.
Alec's mom and sister come babysit while I do some errands or while I am at work which is very helpful. Not that he can not be left alone, but he does have a little bell he rings when he needs something. (God I am ready to throw that thing out the window!) My mom came up for a quick visit Saturday night to Sunday and brought some yummy fish chowder. Sunday Alec and I "vegged out" all day. We have never been so lazy, we watched Hannah Montana marathon on Disney (yes, Hannah Montana, is it bad I am not 12 and still love that show? It really is funny).
I realized I never posted photos from the kitchen. It really looks amazing, we are so happy. We still have some work to do, I painted parts of it, but need to finish. Katie Mogul picked out the colors which I am thrilled with. Monroe Bisque and for the trim Bone White. Let me tell you, it is so nice having a friend who is an interior decorator. Colors are so hard for me to choose. She told me three colors she thought would go well with the counters and it narrowed my my choices down and the color is perfect. She also recommended the granite company we used which ended up being thousands of dollars cheaper than other companies. Another thing she recommended was cherry cabinets above the counters. (Once Alec is healed I will be putting him back to work as a cabinet installer). It is also great becuase anytime Alec and I have a disagreement about anything, I just say, "Fine, I will just ask Katie". And that settles that! "Well, Katie says..." he cant argue with a professional! I cant thank her enough!
This is what it looked like before we moved in...
Then this...

And now...

Not bad for a guy who was going through chemo/radiation huh? It is so nice to walk through the front door and see a beautiful kitchen, rather than an ugly, dark pantry. It is also nice to be able to cook and have my company sit at the breakfast bar instead of in the other room.
I will post some more photos when it is finished, but I wanted to share what Alec had accomplished while "out sick"!
Josh, (my 4 year old cousin) sent Alec a little friend. He built him and named him "Frank", (very original Josh!) I think he is so cute. He is ready to fish with Alec. Thanks Josh and Happy Birthday! Everyone must know how much Alec loves to fish. He has about 20 new fishing magazines, new fishing videos (from Adam who caught some big ones with Alec one night) and even some new lures from the Coogens! He is so ready for the Striper season.


Millie is just dying to eat Frank!!! (She would tear him up in seconds! She chews out the eyes first) I am keeping Frank in a safe place up high.
I am very excited for the warmer/sunny weather coming our way. I have noticed my tulips starting to sprout! (I am so thankful, I was starting to panic...a few years ago I planted the bulbs upside down). So embarrassing. Luckily my friend Brooke sent me "Gardening for Dummies" and my gardening friend Jean has taught me a thing or two about flowers!
Well, that's about all for now. We are still waiting to hear about the lymph nodes and a few other results, but as my mom likes to say "don't borrow any troubles". So we are trying not to worry. Just heal.
Thanks for all your support and prayers. We are so happy this part is over and Alec is doing so well.
Love to all,
Heather & Alec
Tonight we actually had chicken cordon bleu! (Thanks for the recipe Kendalle!)Although Alec only has small portions, he is eating and drinking plenty. He has lost a whopping 16 lbs since Monday. Luckily he was not a skinny guy had some weight to lose and I am sure he will not have a problem putting it back on. He is eating Auntie K's delicious brownies and a glass of milk right now. Thanks Auntie K!
We had a 16 mile run to do on Saturday, and boy was it tough! I guess I should not complain, because it did not rain like it did in Boston while Jill and Tina ran. But the wind was a killer, I ran against it for the entire 16 miles. I thought of the previous few days and it did not seem so hard after all that we had just been through.
Alec's mom and sister come babysit while I do some errands or while I am at work which is very helpful. Not that he can not be left alone, but he does have a little bell he rings when he needs something. (God I am ready to throw that thing out the window!) My mom came up for a quick visit Saturday night to Sunday and brought some yummy fish chowder. Sunday Alec and I "vegged out" all day. We have never been so lazy, we watched Hannah Montana marathon on Disney (yes, Hannah Montana, is it bad I am not 12 and still love that show? It really is funny).
I realized I never posted photos from the kitchen. It really looks amazing, we are so happy. We still have some work to do, I painted parts of it, but need to finish. Katie Mogul picked out the colors which I am thrilled with. Monroe Bisque and for the trim Bone White. Let me tell you, it is so nice having a friend who is an interior decorator. Colors are so hard for me to choose. She told me three colors she thought would go well with the counters and it narrowed my my choices down and the color is perfect. She also recommended the granite company we used which ended up being thousands of dollars cheaper than other companies. Another thing she recommended was cherry cabinets above the counters. (Once Alec is healed I will be putting him back to work as a cabinet installer). It is also great becuase anytime Alec and I have a disagreement about anything, I just say, "Fine, I will just ask Katie". And that settles that! "Well, Katie says..." he cant argue with a professional! I cant thank her enough!
This is what it looked like before we moved in...
Then this...

And now...

Not bad for a guy who was going through chemo/radiation huh? It is so nice to walk through the front door and see a beautiful kitchen, rather than an ugly, dark pantry. It is also nice to be able to cook and have my company sit at the breakfast bar instead of in the other room.
I will post some more photos when it is finished, but I wanted to share what Alec had accomplished while "out sick"!
Josh, (my 4 year old cousin) sent Alec a little friend. He built him and named him "Frank", (very original Josh!) I think he is so cute. He is ready to fish with Alec. Thanks Josh and Happy Birthday! Everyone must know how much Alec loves to fish. He has about 20 new fishing magazines, new fishing videos (from Adam who caught some big ones with Alec one night) and even some new lures from the Coogens! He is so ready for the Striper season.


Millie is just dying to eat Frank!!! (She would tear him up in seconds! She chews out the eyes first) I am keeping Frank in a safe place up high.
I am very excited for the warmer/sunny weather coming our way. I have noticed my tulips starting to sprout! (I am so thankful, I was starting to panic...a few years ago I planted the bulbs upside down). So embarrassing. Luckily my friend Brooke sent me "Gardening for Dummies" and my gardening friend Jean has taught me a thing or two about flowers!
Well, that's about all for now. We are still waiting to hear about the lymph nodes and a few other results, but as my mom likes to say "don't borrow any troubles". So we are trying not to worry. Just heal.
Thanks for all your support and prayers. We are so happy this part is over and Alec is doing so well.
Love to all,
Heather & Alec
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Home Sweet Home
See ya lata MGH!
OK, I am not going to sugar coat this past was horrible. I am so happy, actually...thrilled to be the heck out of there.
I do not even know where to start. We are all so emotionally and physically drained and I am on my 3rd glass of wine so please excuse any grammar errors.
I guess being an "eternal optimist" is not always a good thing. Either that or the nurses did not prepare us enough for the post surgery drama. One nurse said, "oh Alec will be walking the day of surgery, and Heather, you should just work all week, we will take care of him". Well, Alec did not even come close to walking that night, nor was I about to go back to work and leave him on Tuesday! It was way worse than I was expecting. Monday night of course was horrible. He was in so much pain and couldn't press that magic pain button enough. Tuesday was OK. The nurses upped his does of pain meds and said at one point he was in "la la land". Which is a place Alec does not like to go, (he is a control freak and does not like to let drugs or alcohol control his brain). I think that was half the problem. Because of this, he would rather be in pain than la la land, but why put yourself through that!? That is what pain meds are for, right!?

View from Alec's room (after I spent the entire morning complaining to the nurses for a room switch, his first roomate was like 98 years old and so deaf, watching the Price Is Right so freakin loud!) and his first room looked out at a brick wall...please!
When I came in Wednesday morning I was horrified. I was expecting him to be better than Tuesday (makes sense right?) Well, he was sitting up, sweating, nauseous, dry heaving, and in so much pain. I was so worried. Charlotte and I tried to talk to his nurse, who in turn, flipped out and got so defensive as if we were accusing her of not taking care of him. All we wanted to know was why he may be feeling this way. Little did we know that after big surgeries, day 3 is the worst (anesthesia and all the meds are leaving his body, but the pain is still there). If she had simply explained that, we would not have been so concerned. Instead she made me cry, got Alec all mad and made a scene. I was so upset. I was just wishing we could have Katie, Alec's chemo nurse. I guess I have very high expectations because of her. Anyways, yesterday was just a nightmare. I never knew how much the phrase "in sickness and in health" really meant.
One thing I can not comprehend is going though something like this with a child or a baby. I think of Bob and Tina and baby Julia and her little broken heart when she was first born. It sheds a whole new light on people who have been through such traumatic events. For a husband and wife to go through something like this it really can make or break you. I have a new found respect for Bob and Tina. They were so strong for each other and for Julia. It is no wonder so many couples fall apart during adverse times, only the strong truly do survive. I can not even describe what Alec and I just went though. A few words to sum up the week... emotional, sad, frustrating, stressful, heart breaking, helpless, and depressing. Bottom line, (excuse my language) it SUCKED.
On a side note, I got to see baby Julia all week and she is ADORABLE. I LOVE her so much. She brought Alec a balloon that said "Peas Get Well Soon" with a pea pod, so cute! She actually looked at Alec like, "I know what your going through, I know how you feel, I was just here, but don't worry Uncle Alec, you will get better". If she could talk, that is exactly what she would have said.

SO, I went to work today for the first time all week. It was good to get out in the real world and my mind off things for a bit. However, I got a call halfway through my day and it was Alec who said he was being discharged. Say What???!!! I was shocked. I called Charlotte and asked her if he was hallucinating. I was sure of it. However, she said the discharge nurse came by and since he was doing so well (I cant imagine someone who was not doing "well" is like) he could go home. YIPPPPEE. We were thrilled. I think it is so much easier to heal outside of the hospital. He just wanted to get the heck out of there.
The ride home was not fun, and he has been sleeping all night but we are HOME. And Home is Where the Heart Is! Millie was SO HAPPY to see us. I took her for a nice run when we got home. (Although I know she had fun with Finnegan and my parents this week.)
I know that this week made us stronger and closer, but it sure was tough. Nothing can break us now. We have truly been tested these past few months and I just know we can get through anything (especially after this week). I am very thankful that his surgery went well and that this part is over. We are just hoping for some good news from Dr. Shellito next week and hoping Alec will continue to heal.
A special thanks for all the extra prayers this week. Our family and friends are just amazing. It means so much. I know I can count on anyone. Even just a phone call or text to know you are thinking of us. My favorite text was from Caitlin and her baby Emmette (who is about to turn one). She said that her and Emm said prayers for Alec one night. I pictured Emm sitting by her crib with her little hands folded and her mommmy by her side praying for Alec. So sweet. Also thank you to Tina, Bob, Julia for having me stay at their place, Jilly too until she got sick, and Kendelle who had me stay over one night too. And my parents and Alec's family for being there!

Millie, tonight at the beach. I thought she was just so happy to be home and wanted the sand on her. Little did I know she was rolling in something dead and I had to take her home and give her a bath! Bad Dog! (Did she pick that habit up from Finn??) JK.
Love you all and thank you, thank you, thank you for everything.
OK, I am not going to sugar coat this past was horrible. I am so happy, actually...thrilled to be the heck out of there.
I do not even know where to start. We are all so emotionally and physically drained and I am on my 3rd glass of wine so please excuse any grammar errors.
I guess being an "eternal optimist" is not always a good thing. Either that or the nurses did not prepare us enough for the post surgery drama. One nurse said, "oh Alec will be walking the day of surgery, and Heather, you should just work all week, we will take care of him". Well, Alec did not even come close to walking that night, nor was I about to go back to work and leave him on Tuesday! It was way worse than I was expecting. Monday night of course was horrible. He was in so much pain and couldn't press that magic pain button enough. Tuesday was OK. The nurses upped his does of pain meds and said at one point he was in "la la land". Which is a place Alec does not like to go, (he is a control freak and does not like to let drugs or alcohol control his brain). I think that was half the problem. Because of this, he would rather be in pain than la la land, but why put yourself through that!? That is what pain meds are for, right!?

View from Alec's room (after I spent the entire morning complaining to the nurses for a room switch, his first roomate was like 98 years old and so deaf, watching the Price Is Right so freakin loud!) and his first room looked out at a brick wall...please!
When I came in Wednesday morning I was horrified. I was expecting him to be better than Tuesday (makes sense right?) Well, he was sitting up, sweating, nauseous, dry heaving, and in so much pain. I was so worried. Charlotte and I tried to talk to his nurse, who in turn, flipped out and got so defensive as if we were accusing her of not taking care of him. All we wanted to know was why he may be feeling this way. Little did we know that after big surgeries, day 3 is the worst (anesthesia and all the meds are leaving his body, but the pain is still there). If she had simply explained that, we would not have been so concerned. Instead she made me cry, got Alec all mad and made a scene. I was so upset. I was just wishing we could have Katie, Alec's chemo nurse. I guess I have very high expectations because of her. Anyways, yesterday was just a nightmare. I never knew how much the phrase "in sickness and in health" really meant.
One thing I can not comprehend is going though something like this with a child or a baby. I think of Bob and Tina and baby Julia and her little broken heart when she was first born. It sheds a whole new light on people who have been through such traumatic events. For a husband and wife to go through something like this it really can make or break you. I have a new found respect for Bob and Tina. They were so strong for each other and for Julia. It is no wonder so many couples fall apart during adverse times, only the strong truly do survive. I can not even describe what Alec and I just went though. A few words to sum up the week... emotional, sad, frustrating, stressful, heart breaking, helpless, and depressing. Bottom line, (excuse my language) it SUCKED.
On a side note, I got to see baby Julia all week and she is ADORABLE. I LOVE her so much. She brought Alec a balloon that said "Peas Get Well Soon" with a pea pod, so cute! She actually looked at Alec like, "I know what your going through, I know how you feel, I was just here, but don't worry Uncle Alec, you will get better". If she could talk, that is exactly what she would have said.

SO, I went to work today for the first time all week. It was good to get out in the real world and my mind off things for a bit. However, I got a call halfway through my day and it was Alec who said he was being discharged. Say What???!!! I was shocked. I called Charlotte and asked her if he was hallucinating. I was sure of it. However, she said the discharge nurse came by and since he was doing so well (I cant imagine someone who was not doing "well" is like) he could go home. YIPPPPEE. We were thrilled. I think it is so much easier to heal outside of the hospital. He just wanted to get the heck out of there.
The ride home was not fun, and he has been sleeping all night but we are HOME. And Home is Where the Heart Is! Millie was SO HAPPY to see us. I took her for a nice run when we got home. (Although I know she had fun with Finnegan and my parents this week.)
I know that this week made us stronger and closer, but it sure was tough. Nothing can break us now. We have truly been tested these past few months and I just know we can get through anything (especially after this week). I am very thankful that his surgery went well and that this part is over. We are just hoping for some good news from Dr. Shellito next week and hoping Alec will continue to heal.
A special thanks for all the extra prayers this week. Our family and friends are just amazing. It means so much. I know I can count on anyone. Even just a phone call or text to know you are thinking of us. My favorite text was from Caitlin and her baby Emmette (who is about to turn one). She said that her and Emm said prayers for Alec one night. I pictured Emm sitting by her crib with her little hands folded and her mommmy by her side praying for Alec. So sweet. Also thank you to Tina, Bob, Julia for having me stay at their place, Jilly too until she got sick, and Kendelle who had me stay over one night too. And my parents and Alec's family for being there!

Millie, tonight at the beach. I thought she was just so happy to be home and wanted the sand on her. Little did I know she was rolling in something dead and I had to take her home and give her a bath! Bad Dog! (Did she pick that habit up from Finn??) JK.
Love you all and thank you, thank you, thank you for everything.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Today is over (Thank You God)
After a very long, draining day, we can finally put this dreaded day behind us. Everything went as well as we had hoped and Alec is hanging in there. His surgery lasted about 4 hours and then he was in recovery for another 4 hours. We were able to see him and although he was in a lot of pain, he looked good and was getting rest. He is able to push a button which will administer his pain meds and hopefully he will be as comfortable as possible all night.
Dr. Shellito called after he finished operating and told me that things went well and he took out the "large bulky tumor". He said it was a rather difficult surgery becuase the tumor was pushed against his bladder and he actually had to peel it away. (Gosh, I am so glad it is out of him!)
Alec's mom, sisters, my mom, my sisters and dad were all with us today and I am very grateful for that. Waiting is a lot less stressful and the day goes by much faster with company. My mom and sisters and I were even able to go for a nice walk through Boston Common and had lunch outside. It felt so good to get some fresh air for a few hours. What a beautiful day!
We are very thankful that the surgery went well and we are just hoping for some good news in the near future (lympn node involvement, pathology reports, etc).
Alec is in good hands at MGH and we are very relieved this day is finally over. Hoping tomorrow will be better for him and he will be more comfortable.
THank you all for your prayers and support. We know there were hundreds of people praying for us today and we are so grateful.
Love to all.
Heather & Alec
Dr. Shellito called after he finished operating and told me that things went well and he took out the "large bulky tumor". He said it was a rather difficult surgery becuase the tumor was pushed against his bladder and he actually had to peel it away. (Gosh, I am so glad it is out of him!)
Alec's mom, sisters, my mom, my sisters and dad were all with us today and I am very grateful for that. Waiting is a lot less stressful and the day goes by much faster with company. My mom and sisters and I were even able to go for a nice walk through Boston Common and had lunch outside. It felt so good to get some fresh air for a few hours. What a beautiful day!
We are very thankful that the surgery went well and we are just hoping for some good news in the near future (lympn node involvement, pathology reports, etc).
Alec is in good hands at MGH and we are very relieved this day is finally over. Hoping tomorrow will be better for him and he will be more comfortable.
THank you all for your prayers and support. We know there were hundreds of people praying for us today and we are so grateful.
Love to all.
Heather & Alec
March 8th
Here we sit waiting, waiting, waiting.
Alec is going into surgery right about now. We had to be at MGH this morning at 5:30 and he was scheduled to go at 7:30. We are all nervous and anxious. After a couple tears and of course, a couple of laughs, we left him in the hands of the nurse. I guess we will be updated every few hours and then called up in about 5 hours.
Thank you for your prayers and please keep em' coming today! We need them!
I will update as we know more.
Thank you
Heather, Alec and family.
Alec is going into surgery right about now. We had to be at MGH this morning at 5:30 and he was scheduled to go at 7:30. We are all nervous and anxious. After a couple tears and of course, a couple of laughs, we left him in the hands of the nurse. I guess we will be updated every few hours and then called up in about 5 hours.
Thank you for your prayers and please keep em' coming today! We need them!
I will update as we know more.
Thank you
Heather, Alec and family.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
March 8th is creeping up on us
It is less than a week Alec goes into surgery for the removal of his tumor. Yesterday Alec had his "pre-admission" appointment where they prepped him for surgery, making sure he is in tip top shape. Although the whole "diet" thing did not go as well as it could have the good news is he did not gain any weight. In all honesty, it is hard with Dairy Queen opening up in February, and I had coupons for buy one blizzard, get one free. Who can resist?
We are both very excited with the kitchen renovation. It has kept Alec pretty busy over the past few weeks. (Busy is good.) It certainly pre-occupies him and I think is a good stress relief. We have the wall completely down. The plumbing and electrical is also out. Alec has spent the past few days building a support system for the wall as we found out it was in fact a load bearing wall. (Woops!) But it is looking fabulous. He really is an amazing carpenter/handyman. I find myself watching him in does he know how to do that? I mean, he has a degree in molecular cell biology, not carpentry. There is nothing he can not do!
Luckily we have an electrician in the family and he added recess lighting which looks so nice. Thanks Uncle Rick! Our counter tops come in on Friday and that will really tie everything together...especially since we don't have any right now!
Alec's mom was down this past weekend and my parents came up Sunday for a surprise visit. It was good to get some advice from my Dad on a few kitchen questions we had. When you marry a DeMarco girl, one saying that will never go away..."WWFD?" What Would Frank Do? My sisters and I have always teased our spouses/boyfriends with that phrase when something comes up that only my Dad would know best. Luckily the men in our lives are not too proud to also ask "WWFD?"
Speaking of my sisters, we are running the Boston Marathon! We have been training since early January, but did not want to make it official because we were not sure if we had numbers. Bob and Brian pulled through and got us numbers through the fire department. Yaay! I really thought I was done with marathon running, but 3 times a charm right!? Alec dropped me and Millie off at Kennebunk beach last weekend and we ran to our house. He was supposed to pick Millie up halfway through, but was late and she ended up running all 10 miles with me! Since there was a bad storm Thursday and Friday the ocean was incredibly angry and there were waves coming over the road, rocks, trees, lobster traps all over the route. We even had to run through 2 feet of water in front of the Bush's place. I was hoping George would come out and offer me a ride through it, no such luck! They must still be in Texas! Two words...Soggy Feet!! Luckily my mom talked me into buying special wool socks and they prevented me from getting any blisters.

This weekend we are meeting up in Portsmouth to run 14...oh boy. Running has been a great escape for me over the past few months. I find it clears my head and I also find myself closer to God when I run. Especially when I am near the ocean. I ran down by Biddeford Pool a few weeks ago. I took a corner and in front of me was the ocean, so blue and beautiful, I look at it feel like I should say "Oh, Hi God, nice to see you today". I feel an overwhelming sense of JOY when I am running near the ocean on a beautiful day. It literally rises in my chest and my lungs and it makes me so grateful for my wonderful life, family and friends.
I will update one more time before Monday. Please keep Alec in your prayers. We are a little nervous but we know we are in good hands and God is looking over us.
Thank you and have a great first week of March! Feels like Spring already!
Heather, Alec and Millie!
We are both very excited with the kitchen renovation. It has kept Alec pretty busy over the past few weeks. (Busy is good.) It certainly pre-occupies him and I think is a good stress relief. We have the wall completely down. The plumbing and electrical is also out. Alec has spent the past few days building a support system for the wall as we found out it was in fact a load bearing wall. (Woops!) But it is looking fabulous. He really is an amazing carpenter/handyman. I find myself watching him in does he know how to do that? I mean, he has a degree in molecular cell biology, not carpentry. There is nothing he can not do!

Luckily we have an electrician in the family and he added recess lighting which looks so nice. Thanks Uncle Rick! Our counter tops come in on Friday and that will really tie everything together...especially since we don't have any right now!
Alec's mom was down this past weekend and my parents came up Sunday for a surprise visit. It was good to get some advice from my Dad on a few kitchen questions we had. When you marry a DeMarco girl, one saying that will never go away..."WWFD?" What Would Frank Do? My sisters and I have always teased our spouses/boyfriends with that phrase when something comes up that only my Dad would know best. Luckily the men in our lives are not too proud to also ask "WWFD?"
Speaking of my sisters, we are running the Boston Marathon! We have been training since early January, but did not want to make it official because we were not sure if we had numbers. Bob and Brian pulled through and got us numbers through the fire department. Yaay! I really thought I was done with marathon running, but 3 times a charm right!? Alec dropped me and Millie off at Kennebunk beach last weekend and we ran to our house. He was supposed to pick Millie up halfway through, but was late and she ended up running all 10 miles with me! Since there was a bad storm Thursday and Friday the ocean was incredibly angry and there were waves coming over the road, rocks, trees, lobster traps all over the route. We even had to run through 2 feet of water in front of the Bush's place. I was hoping George would come out and offer me a ride through it, no such luck! They must still be in Texas! Two words...Soggy Feet!! Luckily my mom talked me into buying special wool socks and they prevented me from getting any blisters.

This weekend we are meeting up in Portsmouth to run 14...oh boy. Running has been a great escape for me over the past few months. I find it clears my head and I also find myself closer to God when I run. Especially when I am near the ocean. I ran down by Biddeford Pool a few weeks ago. I took a corner and in front of me was the ocean, so blue and beautiful, I look at it feel like I should say "Oh, Hi God, nice to see you today". I feel an overwhelming sense of JOY when I am running near the ocean on a beautiful day. It literally rises in my chest and my lungs and it makes me so grateful for my wonderful life, family and friends.
I will update one more time before Monday. Please keep Alec in your prayers. We are a little nervous but we know we are in good hands and God is looking over us.
Thank you and have a great first week of March! Feels like Spring already!
Heather, Alec and Millie!
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