We are both very excited with the kitchen renovation. It has kept Alec pretty busy over the past few weeks. (Busy is good.) It certainly pre-occupies him and I think is a good stress relief. We have the wall completely down. The plumbing and electrical is also out. Alec has spent the past few days building a support system for the wall as we found out it was in fact a load bearing wall. (Woops!) But it is looking fabulous. He really is an amazing carpenter/handyman. I find myself watching him in awe...how does he know how to do that? I mean, he has a degree in molecular cell biology, not carpentry. There is nothing he can not do!

Luckily we have an electrician in the family and he added recess lighting which looks so nice. Thanks Uncle Rick! Our counter tops come in on Friday and that will really tie everything together...especially since we don't have any right now!
Alec's mom was down this past weekend and my parents came up Sunday for a surprise visit. It was good to get some advice from my Dad on a few kitchen questions we had. When you marry a DeMarco girl, one saying that will never go away..."WWFD?" What Would Frank Do? My sisters and I have always teased our spouses/boyfriends with that phrase when something comes up that only my Dad would know best. Luckily the men in our lives are not too proud to also ask "WWFD?"
Speaking of my sisters, we are running the Boston Marathon! We have been training since early January, but did not want to make it official because we were not sure if we had numbers. Bob and Brian pulled through and got us numbers through the fire department. Yaay! I really thought I was done with marathon running, but 3 times a charm right!? Alec dropped me and Millie off at Kennebunk beach last weekend and we ran to our house. He was supposed to pick Millie up halfway through, but was late and she ended up running all 10 miles with me! Since there was a bad storm Thursday and Friday the ocean was incredibly angry and there were waves coming over the road, rocks, trees, lobster traps all over the route. We even had to run through 2 feet of water in front of the Bush's place. I was hoping George would come out and offer me a ride through it, no such luck! They must still be in Texas! Two words...Soggy Feet!! Luckily my mom talked me into buying special wool socks and they prevented me from getting any blisters.

This weekend we are meeting up in Portsmouth to run 14...oh boy. Running has been a great escape for me over the past few months. I find it clears my head and I also find myself closer to God when I run. Especially when I am near the ocean. I ran down by Biddeford Pool a few weeks ago. I took a corner and in front of me was the ocean, so blue and beautiful, I look at it feel like I should say "Oh, Hi God, nice to see you today". I feel an overwhelming sense of JOY when I am running near the ocean on a beautiful day. It literally rises in my chest and my lungs and it makes me so grateful for my wonderful life, family and friends.
I will update one more time before Monday. Please keep Alec in your prayers. We are a little nervous but we know we are in good hands and God is looking over us.
Thank you and have a great first week of March! Feels like Spring already!
Heather, Alec and Millie!
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