It has certainly been one wild ride. Though there have been many ups and downs, and that tunnel I always talk about, where there should be a light, is still there and we are still stuck somewhere in the middle, we continue to fight and to keep the faith. What is funny is how your brain remembers things. When I look back at the past year I mostly remember the happy times, family, friends, and all the wonderful memories we have made and the amazing people we have met along the way. I don't really recall the horrific week of finding out, then finding more cancer, the 5 weeks of chemo/radiation, surgery, etc. Through it all, we really have been so lucky, and still have that thing we could not live with out...HOPE.
Alec was supposed to have chemo yesterday. Unfortunately, after 7 treatment cycles, the chemo has started to catch up with him. His white blood counts were too low, and he could not receive treatment. He has to have a shot every day for the next 3 days which will boost his white blood cells. This is all totally normal and with the amount of chemo he has been getting we are pretty lucky that this has been our only obstacle.
We are headed back to Bar Harbor this weekend, I have to work Friday, Saturday, Sunday from 6:30-1:00 at a ob/gyn conference. Jill, Brian and my parents will also be in there and we are looking forward to it. By Alec not having chemo this week will certainly make the trip a little more enjoyable. He is scheduled to have his next treatment Wednesday. Then a scan on 10/19 to determine if the chemo is still working and if we can move forward with surgery. My fingers and toes are crossed, and my prayers are streaming in. We really hope that this scan will be what we need it to be and we can move forward. Surgery is the one hope for a cure and we are ready to get all this behind us once and for all.
We have been enjoying the cooler weather and Alec has already been hunting a few days. Last weekend we went to the tree farm where we buy our Christmas tree and they have old cross-country ski trails where we walk through the trails looking for partridge and pheasant. Although Alec trained Millie to be a bird dog, he said she is too much like me and becomes easily distracted. I asked him is he wanted me to run through the woods to flush out the birds (he said no, but thanks). Walking through the woods is a nice way to spend a Saturday. I am actually thinking of getting a little gun and shooting my own birds. He did not shoot anything, but we still had fun.

Thank you all for your prayers and support. We really are praying and hoping for some good news in a couple weeks. Maybe then we will see that light at the end of that tunnel :)
Heather, Alec and Millie
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