We have been skiing almost every day and we try to stay active. Saturday my Mom and Jill came up for some xcountry skiing. Alec left us in the dust, he actually finished 30 minutes before us! Saturday night we had a night out on the town in Portland with Alec's best buddies, John and Jaime and a few of their friends. We really enjoyed getting out of the house for a change and hanging out with good friends and good pizza!

Staying busy is most important, especially after receiving some not so good news and during these long winter days. I often think of that movie, The Shining when the harsh winter sets in! Alec and I can only entertain each other for so long, and without my second most loving companion, red wine, I am going a little crazy! Although, I am counting down the days until we leave for Florida...a week from tomorrow! And, I check the weather every day, a toasty 77 for the day we arrive!
I finally won a little battle, and Alec is letting the walls come down once again. After our kitchen renovation, there was still a wall that blocked our living room to the kitchen and we all know that having an open kitchen is ideal. Especially with a little one on the way :) I think that is what did it for Alec, he did not like the idea of connecting the rooms, (probably because I am always in the kitchen yapping on the phone and with a door he will be able to hear everything) but knowing that we would need to keep an eye on the baby and that doorway would allow us to do so, it was a no brainer. We did compromise, he wanted a door, so we decided on a glass door, just like some of the other doors in the house. So yes, he can still shut me out, but not completely! The only downfall to the door...he can see me munching on my secret candy stash.
Other than that....I LOVE it! It makes the "walk" from the living room to the kitchen so easy, we don't have to go all the way around the house! And, I can easily talk to Alec from the kitchen, rather than walking around or yelling. Even though I loved my new kitchen, it could get lonely cooking all by myself, even with my new TV. (Can you tell I HATE being alone?!) We just put the hole in the wall Sunday, and it is taking some getting use to, we both find ourselves walking the "long way" every once and a while. Alec has been working hard to put the new door frame up and then will have to match the trim work as well. But it looks fabulous so far and I cant wait for it to be finished!
Here are some photos...
Kitchen wall before...
Living room wall before...
Alec cutting out the door. I even learned how to use the reciprocating saw and cut some holes myself!
But mostly I vacuumed up the mess and took pictures.
And then there was light!!!! I was so excited to see the first ray of light come through!
Luckily, plumbing was not too much of a problem, we were afraid that the toilet pipes would be in the way and we would have to call the plumber which would be very expensive. There was a pipe, but Alec just moved the hole over about an inch and we did not have any issues. The plumber is coming on Monday to remove the base board but that's all we need him for.
A cleaned up picture with a custom door frame
It makes our house feel so much bigger!!
My favorite part, I am sitting on the couch and this is my new view!
I love it! I am so happy, and Alec is too. He admitted the other day that although he doesnt always agree at first, that I, and of course Katie Mogul, my go-to-girl for all things interior design, are usually right about this stuff. Ahh....thank you!
I will post the final pictures once he is finished. I just sit here on the couch and stare at it. Then I walk in through the new doorway and say "why hello kitchen!". Yes, I am a dork.
I have been feeling Bam move so much latley, we can actually see it from the outside, which is totally weird, almost like there is an alien in there! And, I think I am getting larger by the day, my large ski jacket is barely able to zip up, I suppose my hot fudge Sunday every night may have something to do with it :) Catherine, who is a few weeks ahead of me said she feels like Chris Farley, yeah, that sounds about right!
Alecs second round of chemo is this Friday, not the best way to end a week. Once we get back from Florida we will be back to infusion on Tuesdays, not a great way to start the week either! We just pray every night that the chemo will work and that a miracle will happen. We know God is by our sides and our spirit will not be broken.
Thank you all for the prayers and for reaching out to us. It means so much and we are so blessed. We would literally be lost without you.
Heather, Alec, Millie & Bam
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