I love that the days are getting a little longer and the weather a little warmer. It makes me rush home as fast as I can and take Millie for a nice, long walk. Feels so good and it helps me balance those hot fudge sundays I seem to be addicted to.
Did you know that March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month? Probably not. There is so much pink out there for breast cancer and lots of awareness for cervical cancer, but what about colon cancer? Why doesn't it get the attention it needs? This irritates me especially because colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States and there is no routine screening. Colonoscopies are so rarely done and only if you fit the "description", 50+, family history, over weight, unhealthy diet, bowel changes or bleeding. Well, guess what, Alec had no family history, he was 33 when he was diagnosed, he is not over weight nor does he have an unhealthy diet. I guess we have a long way to go in educating patients(and doctors too) and maybe that will be our mission when this is all behind us. In the meantime, if you or anyone you know has any changes in bowel movements, whether it be constipation or diarrhea, and or bleeding, you must be your own advocate and be proactive. Demand a colonoscopy, no matter what your doctor says.
We do not live with regrets, there was absolutely no way we could have known based on the few symptoms Alec did have, but what we can do is spread awareness of colorectal cancer and hope that one less person has to go through what we have.
On a brighter note, we had a great weekend with the Moguls, and Amy and Keith. We had so much fun just sitting around talking, laughing, and eating. Little Weston is SO CUTE! He is such a good boy, Alec and I were talking after they left and we concluded...we can handle becoming parents if Bam is anything like Weston. Weston loved the new door and running in a big circle around the house, I loved hearing the pitter patter of his little feet on the wood floors, so cute!

He loved Millie, and when no one was looking, Millie liked him too. But we are going to have a jealous dog when Bam arrives!

Not sure what he was planning on doing to Millie in this one!

Just playing!
Alec and John went snowmobiling in Fryberg, Maine and Alec said that it was the "second best day of his life!" Second to our wedding! (I hope he was at least half kidding). Maybe next year the guys will stay home with the babies and us gals will rent the snowmobiles.
Alec is still chipping away at his "honey do list" although its nothing exciting. A sump pump in the basement, in which he sought professional help for the electrical work this time from Uncle Rick. Fixing a door that had rotted and installing under the counter lights (second attempt after last weeks fiasco). Nothing really to brag about. But I do love the under the counter lights! He is also researching roofers, I think we have held off as long as we can and it looks like our tax money will be putting a new roof over our heads. What a bad way to spend extra money...I would have so much rather bought 2 new snowmobiles! Oh well, with a baby on the way we are trying to get our priorities straight.
Other than that things are going well. Alec has 2 more treatments before the next scan and we are just taking one day at a time because that is all we can do. That stupid word (scan) makes me weak in the knees and want to vomit, but like my mother always tells me, "not to borrow any troubles" so when I have those moments of weakness, I pray to God. Miracles happen every day right!?
Please pray for Alec and that this chemo is working. We really need it now, more than ever and we are so grateful for each prayer or positive thought you send. It is what gets us through.
God Bless!
Heather, Alec, Millie & Bam