A few weeks ago Alec's nurse practitioner who we hadn't seen in a while saw my belly and was very excited for us. She commented on how we were going to have good looking children. We both thanked her and laughed. She also said, "Well, at least you know it's not going to be a troll!" A troll!? Geez, thank you, I guess? It got me thinking though, I had never seen any baby pictures of Alec. Every time I picture our little baby looking anything like Alec, I picture a baby with a goatee. I met Alec 5 years ago, and he really has looked the same ever since. I suppose I could look back at the photos of when Alec was on chemo for the lymphoma and was completly bald, (he used to chase me around like a giant baby, saying "Mama" wearing Julias beach hat) It was scary! I decided to ask his Mom for some baby photos instead. She sent a bunch of pictures and I thought I would share a few. He was pretty cute...and what I love most are his eyes. I have always loved his eyes and think he has this mischievous look in his eye, it's a little twinkle...almost like he is thinking of something that might get him into a little trouble.
I showed Alec some baby pictures of me, and he calls me "monkey baby". He thinks I looked like a monkey because I had a funny upper lip and I was very, very chubby. My Mom admitted that although she thought I was the most beautiful baby ever, she now looks back and admits that maybe I wasn't as cute as she thought I was, especially she said, compared to Jill, who was really adorable. We both have some pretty strong genes in the family so it will be interesting. We often say we just hope it looks like me but has Alec's brains. Or at least has my nose and Alec's math skills. I am just glad it wont be born with a goatee (at least I hope not).
Alec as a newborn...notice all the blankets in the bassinet with him, my how the rules have changed. How did any of us make it through!?
Me as a newbie, monkey lip not that noticeable...yet.
See what I mean about his eyes? I am going to guess he was flushing something that was not supposed to be flushed!
And here is the chunky monkey with the funny looking upper lip.
Alec and his big sisters.
Me and Jill (she was super cute!)
This one is one of my favorites, Alec still does his own oil change, I think he missed his calling as a mechanic.
So after looking over these old photos, I am at ease knowing our baby will look nothing like a troll. (Unless there was a mix up at the IVF lab, Alec keeps teasing me about it, "Maybe its Shaq's baby" he says, "We will be rich!") No thanks, I would like an Alec baby please. Anyways, I thought it would be fun to share how cute (or not cute) we were. Ultimately, we know a healthy baby is most important but its fun to create in our minds what Bam will look like. We cant wait to meet little baby, we both know that we will be totally in love and will think he or she is the most beautiful baby ever (even if it does resemble Shaq).
Love, Heather, Alec, Millie and Bam
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