We had a busy, busy weekend, lots of family time, chores and of course we made time for a little sun. Jill came up Friday night and we had an awesome day Saturday, what beautiful weather, it is finally starting to feel like Spring! She was able to pick up the crib and I was so excited to finally get the nursery started. Alec's sisters and Mom were also here and helped us get ready for the warm weather, swapping out all the storm windows for screens and dozens of other little chores. Thank you to our sistahs and Caryn!
There are so many Birthdays in April, we celebrated Charlotte's whose was on Friday then Lizzy's 30th on Saturday night, although going to the bar 35 weeks pregnant feels really weird, we still had fun and were glad to get out to see some friends.
I think both Alec and I are in the "nesting" mode. Either that or we are just trying to get lots of stuff done before May 19th! While he was busy working on the floors in the guest house, I was putting together the crib (yikes, I know). He came up to "inspect" my job and he put a little pressure on the inside of the crib and the springs collapsed. Oops. Totally forgot to add a couple screws! Not to worry, we both triple checked after that and things look good.
The nursery is pretty much finished, and I love it, it just makes things feel so much more real! I still feel like we are having a boy, and you may notice that from the rather "blue" color scheme in the photos below...If we have a girl, I plan on adding lots of pink, but if a boy we are good to go! I know I have fish on the wall, and a deer head (YES a deer head!) But even if it is a girl, we all know with a father like Alec, she is going to be fishing and hunting before she can walk.
Speaking of baby girls, we are so excited for Catherine and Jay who welcomed a beautiful baby girl into the world on April 8th, named Mary Catherine! So happy for them, we cant wait to meet her.
Until Bam is here, Alec is practicing being a Daddy. Check out the maternity gift Jill bought him...he wore it all weekend, this baby even helped him put in the wood floors!

Before pictures...A year ago, I posted pictures of the new guest room and the floors Alec had put in. It was used as an office and also a guest room.

Since waiting to find out the sex can be challenging when deciding a wall color, we wanted to keep in neutral, but add something fun, so I matched the color of the original wall and went a few tones lighter and added the horizontal stripes (Alec measured and taped, I painted). Jill had done that in her guest room and I loved it so copied it!

I only had to buy a few new items for the room, just the crib, a changing table and a couple decorations. The rug, some wall art and lamps have all been there.

The changing table my Mom and I found at Bobs that rainy day a couple months ago. It was $100 in the "Pit" and was actually a TV stand. We added the baskets and starfish hardware. Not bad for a 100 bucks!

This is the chair Jill made us! I LOVE it so much! And, its so comfortable. She sanded and stained the wood and made the cushions. It was my great aunts chair that was going to be thrown away but Jill salvaged it a couple years ago and thought she may be able to restore it at some point. We are sure glad she did!

Jill also gave us this deer head for Christmas, Alec thought it was creepy, until he saw it on the wall in the nursery. I mean, come on, we live in Maine, Alec hunts all Fall, we have to have some type of animal hanging on our walls!

I couldn't help but buy these 2 pictures, the one below reminded me of Alec and Millie at the beach and the top one is of two children playing in the waves, I swear it was a God Wink!

And this one was just too cute to pass up...
So there it is! I do want to add a mobile over the crib, but I want it to be homemade and have a few ideas. Now we are just waiting for the baby! 5 weeks and counting!!!
Alec has been working so hard on the floors and they are almost finished. Its going to look so awesome over there!

Alec by the end of the weekend...he worked too hard and carrying that baby around with him wasn't easy...and we think a side effect of chemo may be rapid hair growth....
Alec will probably finish the guest house this week and I cant wait, it really is going to look nice over there. He is already talking about building a shed next...the "to do" list is never ending!
We are still so grateful with our recent good news. I am thanking God every day and praying that things continue to go well. We are just enjoying the nicer weather and really appreciating each day. Thank you all for the continued support, love and prayers. We are feeling very blessed and lucky lately.
God Bless,
Heather, Alec, Bam and Millie