Where the heck did Spring go?
I am having a hard time believing its the end of April, this weather is killing me! Last year by this time all the flowers were out and I was working on my tan.
We have been busy, Alec finished the floors today, they look fabulous. What a difference it makes. The carpet never bothered me before, now I realize how ugly it really was! He did such a beautiful job, he really is a perfectionist. I cant wait to put it back together and show the pictures.
Last Sunday we celebrated Amy's 30th birthday at Kendalle and Steve's house with the whole gang. We had such a fun day. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. As we were sitting around telling funny stories, I realized how lucky we really are to have so many great friends. We met Cat and Jay's little baby Mary, who is absolutely precious! At 9 days old, she is still so teeny-tiny, I cant believe we will be taking one of those home with us in a few weeks! Such a miracle. I get lots of advice from the moms of the group, and I hope that will suffice since Alec and I skipped the Saturday birthing class because the weather was too nice. Between my girlfriends and watching 16 and pregnant, I think we will bo OK.

All the girls, Mary is in the car seat and Amy is holding Georgia, Caitlin's little munchkin!

As for this pic...Steve, Kendalle's fiance is a state trooper, so naturally we had to play with the car and lights and hand cuffs.
We are SO EXCITED for Amy and Keith who got engaged in VEGAS this week! Woohoo! My next post may say they got hitched at a chapel in Vegas officiated by Elvis, but for now they are engaged. We are beyond happy for them, they are such a cute couple, and since Keith and Alec are best friends from college and Amy and I are besties from way back, we could not be more excited! Congrats you two!
We had a busy Tuesday, we left home at 6:00am and had a full day of MGH appointments, including, Dr. Allen, chemo, an OB appointment for me and genetic counseling with both of us. Alec is going to be tested for Lynch Syndrome which is found in 50% of young people who have a cancer diagnosis. It was very interesting information and although I never thought of myself as a science person, I am fascinated, but most important, what they are doing now could potentially save lives in the future. MGH is doing some incredible things, we are glad that we are in such good hands. If there are any new cancer meds, MGH is usually behind it, either developing it or trialing it. Makes us feel good and we will be the first to know when there is a cure.
As for my appointment, Bam may be breech, so I will have an ultrasound next week to see for sure. That little bugger better flip around! Besides that things look great, and I feel great. Other than Tuesday, which I took off, I am still working and feel like people are so much nicer to the big pregnant lady! Most of the time they just think I am a patient (since I am calling on OB/GYNs all day.) At least if something happens I will be in the right place :) Less than 4 weeks to go!!!
We have been babysitting my little furry brother Finn for the last week. I love having 2 dogs, I am working on Alec, he said maybe. Every morning I wake up to Finn on one side with one slipper, Millie on the other side with the other slipper, I feel like a queen. I wish I could train them how to bring me coffee too.
Meanwhile, my parents are in Florida, literally torturing me with how nice the weather is. I know they aren't doing it intentionally, (besides the video Beth sent of them swimming at 7:30 last night) but its getting really annoying, especially when its 40 degrees and drizzling every day. To get back at them, Alec and I decided to send them a threatening photo text, we are holding Finn hostage. We knew this would keep them quiet for a while. My Dad called right away and asked for him to be released...we will think about it.

That's about all for us, we have no Easter plans this weekend which is very weird, but I am totally OK with it. Just some church and looks like some rain, which may mean painting the bathroom.
Thank you all for the continued prayers and support. We are so blessed and we wish everyone a wonderful Easter weekend!
Heather, Alec, Bam, Millie and Finn
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