Hope everyone is staying cool! We have had our AC running 24/7, I'm not complaining since I'd rather have this than snow any day.
Alec finished up all his tests this week and starts the trial drug on Monday. We are both excited and nervous but are going to remain optimistic and hopeful. Monday Alec has to spend the entire day at MGH where they will monitor him closely since the drug has only been tested on rats (I'm only half kidding). He and one other person are getting this high dose, we are praying it stops the cancer growth.
The following few days he will also have to stay at MGH for a few hours after he takes the drug where again he will be observed, we are hoping he won't grow a tail or fur (again kidding, kinda).
Chase has been a little bundle of joy, waking up now smiling, coo-ing, he is so adorable. And, although I'm afraid I am going to jinx it, he has slept 3 nights in a row only waking up at 3:00am and at 6:30am. I was getting really tired of him getting up 4 or more times a night!
We have been busy as usual, Alec has been working a few days each week, had a couple trips to Boston, and we had company up this weekend and last and fishing of course.

Alec and Chase

Chase and Momma caught the biggest fish yet!

This is going to be a long week, and I think I will be praying the entire ride down that this drug works miracles and perhaps some day, we can put this entire thing behind us. But for now, we are living for each moment, never taking a day for granted and thanking God for all he has blessed us with.
Thank you for the prayers and love, we are so lucky.
Heather, Alec, Chase and Millie

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