I thought I was going to be crying all day, in fact, I was having a moment of weakness Saturday while we were getting ready, I did not know if I could do it...wasn't I just subjecting myself to more pain and heart ache by surrounding myself with more colon cancer? But once we got there and I saw how many of you came out and supported and donated and walked or ran, my sadness was immediately replaced by joy and laughter. How could I not be smiling ear to ear all day!?
You are all incredible, and Chase and I are so blessed. Family, friends, church, co-workers, MGH nurses you are all so special to Alec, and Chase and I. I am beyond grateful.
Some of the STATS...
There were over 100 people on team Alec in Boston.
30 people in Biddeford Pool = over 130 people!
3 team members won medals, including my Dad (3rd place for his age group).
We had the second largest team (we won a plaque!).
And, second for money raised (over 12,000 in 3 weeks!).
Over 1300 people walked or ran in the first annual Get Your Rear In Gear, Boston. Over 100K raised for colon cancer prevention and education.
So awesome! It was such a beautiful day, I really think Alec kept the wind at our backs and the SUN SHINING! It was a wonderful run, I will always hold this day close to my heart.
We met some really amazing people, some are still fighting, others were honoring loved ones. I realized we have a big job and a long road ahead of us, colon cancer is every where and we need to create awareness. I started to think about how many people I knew who are or were in their 20's or 30's when they were diagnosed...
Alec...33 when he was diagnosed died at 35.
Auntie Beth...32 when she was diagnosed, survivor.
Skip...33 years old when he was diagnosed, died at 34.
Eric from MGH...28 years old, died at 29.
A friend reached out to me earlier this week, his wife was diagnosed at age 29 and died at 33.
TJ whom I met Saturday, 28 years old and fighting hard. (and we are praying so hard for him!)
How is this possible? I am 31,(we skipped my birthday, it was 10/22, Alecs last day with us) I should not know this many people with colon cancer. It is frightening. I am mad...but mostly I am sad, because no one should have to go through this. I am sad for those who are still fighting, it is such a long road. My heart literally breaks when I hear of yet another young person battling this terrible disease. I just don't understand. I will promise to do all that I can to make people aware and if one person can be saved from what we just went through, than I will feel like we have made a difference.
I am told that each day it gets easier, I am not there yet. Each day I realize that this is real and I am not waking up nor is Alec coming back. Sometimes I have to put my hand over my heart to try an stop it from aching, I did not know how much this could hurt. Tonight was a bad night...I am just sad and sulky. As I was waiting for the slideshow to create, my laptop went into hibernate. I checked on it, and the screen saver was "I Love You Shmoo". I have never seen this before, at some point Alec must have gone into my computer and changed the sreen savor. It was the weirdest and cutest thing...Alec...I love you too. Then I went to bed and I was actually crying (again) because I miss him. In walks Millie with my 2 LL Bean slippers, she brought them both to me while I was crying. The very last trick Alec taught Millie was for her to bring him his slippers. I know he is here, I just wish I could touch him and kiss him and hug him and he could kiss me and hug me back.
I really want to thank you all. Saturday was such a special day. I met so many great people, and I know Alec is in awe of the day and all of you...he would be so touched. I felt his presence, I know he was with all of us. He is so proud. Thank you and I promise we will do this next year. I loved our "camo" theme, if Alec were here, he would have been hunting last weekend, so the hats, shirts, all the camo gear really suited him well. (Although we all looked like a bunch of red necks from Maine at the bar in Boston!) I made a slideshow of all the photos and pictures. I chose the song, Incredible Machine by Sugarland...because that is what we are.
Heather, Chase and Millie

Absolutely inspiring! Your being there made him smile I am sure of it! What a huge step we all took on Saturday! The start of something amazing!:) I appreciate your courage - coming out - I hope it was a day of healing and support for you!