Ice fishing was one of my least favorite things to do with Alec (I liked it, but I certainly didn't run out the door when he asked me to go, actually, he would usually have to drag or bribe me). Spending time in his "shack" was fun and all, but I would rather be home in my furry blanket by the fire. But, if it meant I got to be outside, with my husband, I was usually there (especially when I got to go cross country skiing). When I think of things we did together that I will miss (um, everything) but especially the things he loved so dearly (fishing and fishing and fishing) I get sad...will I never do that again? Its not as if I would go ice fishing without him, not likely I will take out his auger, drill a couple holes and wait in the freezing cold for a flag to pop up. Or will I?
Alec's friend from high school, Wes Ashe, held a small ice fishing tournament last year. This year, he is holding it in memory of Alec, and by the sounds of it, its going to be big! Although Alec is not here, he is still some how able to drag me out to do some ice fishing with him this winter...I should have known this would happen! But, this time I am super excited and I know we are all going to have a lot of fun with it (that's if the lakes ever freeze over, not likely to happen when its 65 degrees out on December 6th).. The Bangor Daily News even wrote an article about it! Check it out...
This is really awesome, I am looking forward to some chilly days, even chillier beers and the company of Alec's friends and family, and all of us, running around chasing flags. I wonder if Chase has to get his fishing licence? I know Alec would have made him, if not for legal reasons then so he could use his name to have a few extra traps.
I hope some of you can sign up, and join us in the fun. The tournament is open to everyone, and it lasts 3 months long.
Thank you Wes, for continuing to be such a good friend to Alec, and for thinking of Chase and I. We are so blessed. I know Alec will live on through all of us, forever.
Heather, Chase and Millie
PS, I wish I could post the flyer on here, but it wont let me, I will try to figure it out, it is really cute, but here is what it says...
2nd Annual Ice Fishin’ Tourney
Here’s how it works:
1.Pay a $10 entry fee.
2.Ice fish until March 31, 2012.
3.Catch as many species of large fishes as you can.
4.Email photo of each fish with tourney card & length.
5.Attend the lottery to see if your lunker wins the purse!
Official Competition Rules: All fish species must be caught during the ice fishing season (Jan-Mar 2012) in Maine. Any fish that one submits for the largest individual within a respective species must be photographed alongside a tape measure (with inch increments) and tourney card and emailed to Wes Ashe (, with your name, fish species, length of fish, date caught, and water body. Weekly species-length updates and photos will be emailed to all contestants throughout the tourney. At the completion of the season, those fishermen with the largest recorded length for each species will have their name placed in a lottery for the chance to win the total purse collected for the competition . If any one person has length records for multiple species, their name will be submitted into the lottery multiple times (increasing their chance of winning the purse). If you have questions concerning the competition rules, please direct all emails to
To register , bring $10 cash to Wes Ashe in 232A Nutting Hall or send by mail to 55 North Main Avenue, Orono, ME 04473. Please include your contact info (name, address, email, phone #).
Alec Cyr (1975-2011)
Alec passed away in October after a courageous battle with colon cancer. He was a native Mainer who loved the outdoors and was passionate about fishing. However, much more important than being an angler, Alec was a wonderful husband and father. His baby boy, Chase, was born in May. Therefore, in honor of Alec and his family, half of the proceeds collected from this ice fishing tournament will go toward Chase Cyr’s college fund. Thank you all for your support.

Alec with a trout in winter 2008.
Alec fishing in his "shack" AKA...a collapsable blue tarp with plywood.
Alec and I on Pushaw Lake, fishing and skiing in 2007.
Ice fishing is another great adventure! You can around with those thick ice while some of your companion are taking charge of the fishing.
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