It is beginning to look alot like Christmas!
Chase and I have been busy in December, between visits with Santa, pre-luding with family and friends and a little shopping, decorating and watching Elf, it is hard to believe Christmas is only a couple weeks away!
As you can see below, I tried a few times to get the perfect picture of Chase for our Christmas card...taking a good photo of an 18 month old is not easy...even a cute one! But I was able to get a couple, soon you will see for yourself in your mailbox.
I love this time of year, everything is so beautiful and God is so present. I know Alec is enjoying watching his little boy experience all the joy that Christmas brings and is probably up there performing his own little miracles. We are so blessed to be in a warm home and always surrounded by people we love. Chase and I soak it all in and enjoy every day.
This is a classic! We love you Santa! |
Santa from this angle is a lot better. |
Ready to find our tree! |
Chase was more interested in the tractor than the trees. |
No, this is not a pose, I actually cut down our tree. Yes I am a true Maine women.
My sister thought it was hilarious that I chopped down my tree and carried it away...she is such a city girl. |
Chase loved that the tree was in our house, you would have thought we brought home a puppy he was so excited! |
Chase photo shoot take one...(Mommy cut his hair and Mr. Wiggles wiggled a little too much and he eneded up looking like My Buddy doll whom I had given a haircut too as well when I was 6) |
Even Grandma said his hair was too bad for a Christmas card, I had to take him to see a professional. |
But we still had fun! |
Getting Millie and Chase in the Christmas photo just wasn't in the cards this year. |
But he did find an acorn! |
Real housewives of Kennebunkport...except we all love each other and we are all nice and we where bean boots! |
Downtown for a prelude stroll... |
Our perfect tree! |
Chase photo shoot take two... |
Too bad Mommy didn't clean his nose... |
I cant get over how much he looks like his Daddy here... |
Chase photo shoot take 4!? |
Santa who!? Did you see that fire truck!? |
Yea, that's what I'm taking about! |
Who are these weird people in red popping up every where that Mommy keeps making me smile with!? |
Making friends in Cape Porpoise |
Trapped. |
Amy, Chase and Alli came to visit! |
Chase photo shoot take 5 |
Looking for Daddy. |
We hope you are enjoying the Holiday season as much as we are! I try not to get too caught up in all the extra "stuff" that we are all "supposed" to do. We just remember the "reason for the season" and enjoy all the beautiful things about Christmas. I shop a little here and there (mostly online) and when I have the urge to make Christmas cookies (which hasn't happened yet) I will do it. To me this time of year is about being with family, friends and celebrating the birth of our Saviour.
And the angel said unto them, 'Fear not:
Behold I bring you good tidings of great joy
which will be to all people,
Unto you is born this day
a Saviour which is Christ the Lord.'
Luke 2:11
Merry Christmas!
Heather, Chase and Mill
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