My most looked forward to week of the year...
Chase calls is Bah Habbah, the way he says it is too cute. At age two, this kid was climbing mountains, jumping rocks and he could not have been more happy.
I was in awe of how fast his little legs could move. He maneuvered over each rock like he was a pro and sometimes he went so quickly I would have to jog to keep up with him. Acadia is such a special place for me and my family. My parents have pictures of me here when I was 2, (although I am pretty sure they didn't let me climb any mountains till I was 5, they didn't make toddler hiking shoes back then!). Along with 32 years of memories with my family, it was the first place Alec and I vacationed together. We would go up for long weekends, and then join my family for the week in August. He also grew up going to Acadia, since he lived only an hour away. This was our place, our little piece of heaven, the tops of the mountains, the views, the sunsets, there is no where quite like it.
As much joy as Acadia brings me, it also brings me much sadness. How I wished so badly Alec were here to see his little hiker son following in his Daddy's footsteps. He would be so proud, although I know he would have been more cautious and careful than I, probably would have made Chase where a helmet, knee pads and elbow pads...Mommy is so much more laid back. And yes, Chase fell down, scraped up his knees, cried a little, but he is a tough little boy, a little boo-boo aint gonna stop him.
Ever since we have been home, Chase wants to go "hikin". I take him to some of the local trails around home, and we run through them, weaving in and out of trees, over stumps and rocks. Now that Chase is an experienced hiker, these trails are a walk in the park!
We were thankful for a beautiful week, the weather was perfect. Each day was a true adventure, with 5 little kids under the age of 4, I think we all needed a vacation after the vacation, but it was all worth it. I am grateful for my sign from Alec, as my Mom and I were sitting by the ocean on our last day, a big, beautiful bald eagle swooped down in front of us, it was as if Alec was just stopping in to let us know he was there, and had been there all along. Hi my darling husband, I missed you, but thank you for stopping by.
We have arrived! |
Chase takes Acadia by storm. |
Sometimes hooking a ride from Papa helps. |
Throwing rocks! |
Our morning walk to Ship Harbor. |
Little hiker is off and running! |
Which way Ma? |
Now that is a happy little face! |
Mom trying to hold my hand. |
Showing Papa the way! |
Scaling rock walls (no kids allowed on this hike!) |
Tip-pity Top. |
Our quintessential Maine cottage rental. |
Taking a break. |
No one loves Acadia more than the dogs! |
Getting another ride from Papa! |
Uncle Bob and Juju! |
My big cousin Josh. |
Painting, with my mardi gra beads on of course! |
Almost to the top! |
Made it! All by myself! Bubble South and Bubble North. |
Push a little harder girls! |
Yep, Daddy would be SO PROUD. |
Me and Momma. Whom I now call "Heada" |
Decided to sit right down in the sidewalk. |
Grammy, Papa and Chasie! |
Look at that birdie!! |
Daddy shining down on me? |
Snacks at the top please! |
Looking like Millie with my tongue out! |
Me and Momma! |
Making wishes... |
Go get it! |
Chase...future Marine? |
A picture with Mom? I cant stop for that! |
Beautiful Park Loop Road. |
Last day! |
Throwing the ball for Mill! |
Mimi, Auntie Yaya and Auntie Tam came to see me! |
We had the "Max plate" in memory of Daddy who use to eat the entire platter my himself! |
Oh Alec, you made me so proud. |
Byt bye Bar Harbor, till next year... |