It was always over the silliest stuff too. I remember one time driving home from MGH, and he was eating a banana. We were having a serious conversation and I looked over at him and he had that long stringy thing from the banana hanging from his chin and he didn't know it, so when he talked, the stringy thing moved and dangled.. I burst into laughter, and he laughed too...we laughed for eternity, I had tears running down my face. To the average person, that probably would not have even been that funny, but to us, it was so funny that I remember it like it was yesterday and I laugh out loud just thinking about it.
Tonight, Chase wanted his binky, or I should say, wanted a third binky. I am really trying to get him to understand that he doesn't need it, that binky's are for babies. I gave in, gave him the third one, so he had one in his mouth, and one in each hand. On my lap he sat and we were reading Brown Bear Brown Bear. But because he had a bink in each hand, he could not slide the little picture over. I said "Chase put the binky down! You are a big boy you don't need it!"
He responded, "I NEED IT I AM NOT A BIG BOY I AM A BABY!" Then, instead of listening to me, he put all three binkys in his mouth and looked up at me and was laughing. I laughed so hard, we both belly laughed for at least 10 minutes. It probably doesn't sound that funny, but what I have discovered is that Chase and Alec have the same funny bone, and that I thought he was hilarious and he thought I was hilarious and now Chase and I think that of each other. We have had these uncontrollable laughing fits a few times now, where he laughs, I laugh and we just can't stop. So many times he looks at me, shakes his head a little and says, "Your so funny Mama". I love laughing again, I need it, and I am glad someone out there thinks I am funny!
I love my little buddy who laughs just like his Dad.
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