I am so glad that brutal winter is over. It was a rough one...I enjoy the snow and all the activities that go with it, but anyone who knows me knows I am a summer girl, sunshine, tan lines and sandy toes is what I prefer.
This spring has been less then perfect too, but the cold, raw days haven't slowed us down or kept us inside. Every day after school and work I let Chase choose an "adventure". This means either a walk on the beach or a hike through one of our 4 favorite trails, all within a couple miles from home. I still believe that boys are like dogs and need to be "run", they need fresh air and to let those little legs go full speed, excersise changes everything, he sleeps better, he is in a better mood and we get quality time together, surrounded by peaceful, beautiful nature, and there is nothing better then enjoying Mother Nature with a toddler by your side.
I get asked often "why Maine?" And, to be honest, my life would be a lot easier if I did live in Mass, closer to my family, my friends, my job (still an hour and 45 minute commute!). But to me, there is no where else in the world I would rather be. Growing up, visiting my grandparents here, I fell in love. Maine is part of my DNA I say. It's in my blood. After living in Newport, California and Boston, my heart longed for Maine. Each time we would cross the Pisquatica Bridge, I would get this feeling of complete happiness and a sense of being home. Alec's sister told me once that Alec moved to Boston only in hopes to find his future wife and move her back to Maine. I think I ended up being the one who persuaded him into our little town, a little further up the state than he wanted and a little further East and off the highway. But it was all worth it. And now, I have my son, who gets to grow up in this glorious state, with the beach a stones throw away, miles and miles of trails in our back yard and the ability to enjoy each beautiful season which brings change and different "adventures".
I thank my grandparents, for brining me to their beautiful state. For teaching me that beauty surrounds us, the ocean, the woods, the food, even in the people who live here. I hold close the memories I have of my Gramma and Papa, taking us on the very same trails that Chase and I walk daily, on thier cross country skiis, out picking blueberries, at the beaches, eating lobsters, driving us around at dusk looking for deer, and then taking all their grandchildren to get an ice cream (before dinner!) after a long day at the beach. To me, life just doesn't get any better than that. How lucky I am to continue to enjoy each one of those traditions with my little boy. Making each day count, enjoying the little things that in the end are the big things and really the only things that matter.
I am grateful and blessed to be able to call this beautiful place my home.
Maine...really is the way life should be.

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