Chase is quite the intellectual. Lately and often, we have deep conversations, deeper conversations than I have even have with adults. Is it possible to say he challenges me...spiritually? A three year old?
He has been very curious about his Dad, why he is in heaven, with God. Why he lives in his heart, not here in our home. And I think he has finally somewhat accepted this part. But then the other day he asked "But Mama...who is God?".
As a baby, I was convinced that Chase saw God and his Dad everywhere. I think about when he would just start giggling out of no where, or gaze off into the distance at something in the sky and the look on his face was like nothing I could ever describe. But as children grow older, they start to question and reflect and unfortunately, doubt .
So when Chase asked me "Who is God" I took a moment to answer. Up until recent years, I thought God was a man, with a long white beard, who sat at the gates of heaven and decide whether or not you could get in. God was long as you were good. God answered prayers when you deserved it, but God also punished, God caused death and heart ache and sadness.
And of course now I know that God is so, so good.
God is Love. And that was my answer to Chase. God is Love.
And to a 3 year old...that answer was enough.
But I went on...I told him God is in his heart, and my heart and every heart. God can be found in acts of kindness. God is in the beauty that surrounds us. God is compassion and healing. God is love. God is love. God is Love.
I often refer to God as "Him" but I don't really think God is a "He" or "She". God is has no gender. God (Love) is everywhere in everyone...and that is my religion.
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