Phew, we finally can start killing this thing!
We went to MGH yesterday for Alec's first day of chemo/radiation. All went well! We spent a few hours with our nurse, Katie, and Alec has the chemo "bag" again. He will be hooked up every Monday to the bag, wear it for 5 days, then be disconnected on Fridays. He will have to go to MGH every day for radiation, however that only takes minutes and they will even valet our car. Woohoo!
He is feeling good, very tired, not very hungry, (good thing I fattened him up over Thanksgiving!). He had a very weird craving for Lucky Charms(?)But still able to work and drive and play xbox.
The next few weeks will be very telling as to whether or not his body is reacting to the chemo. Please pray that it does!
Lizzy sent us the Lance Armstrong book and I absolutely love it. We can totally relate to everything he has gone through and has quite an incredible story. I keep reading Alec paragraphs, exclaiming..."Wow! That's exactly like us!" (minus the whole "bike" thing!)
Our friends and family are absolutely amazing. We have received more cards, meals, gifts, games, books, etc. than I can even imagine. I can not thank you all enough. We are so blessed. Every day we receive some type of goodie in the mail, it means so much and we are truly so grateful for all of you and your thoughtfulness. I can not imagine going through this without this type of support and love. We know we are not alone, ever.
Please pray for Julie and her family. Her uncle lost his battle to cancer last weekend. We are very heart broken for them. I hope they find comfort in the memories they shared with him and know that he is with God and we will be thinking and praying for them during this difficult time.
This weekend is the Christmas Prelude in KBPT. We are looking forward to seeing Santa come in on his lobster boat and singing Christmas Carols!
Let the healing BEGIN!
Love to ALL!
Heather, Alec and Millie
Glad to hear Alec feels better from the swine flu. You are so domesticated these days! who needs pie anyway?? Thinking of you guys daily the first week is officially hours away from being over!