3 Weeks to Go!
So far so good! Alec had a another successful week. Things are going well, no major side effects, just a little tired. We stop by MGH every day at noon for a radiation quickie. It takes no time, and the staff is so nice. Everyone already loves Alec and he makes everyone smile :)
One thing I am amazed at is how many people have cancer. And it does not discriminate. Old, young, black, white, rich, poor. It is truly eye-opening. We see the same people every day, you can tell which patients are at the very beginning of treatment and those that are at the very end. Alec's radiation doctor thinks Alec is doing very well, and is pleased that his side effects are not worse.
Alec said he wants to hike Mt. Washington before his surgery in January...he must be feeling pretty good!!! I on the other hand, not so much. Haha, I may have to fake some illness so he cant drag me along.
We were able to go out and enjoy the Christmas Prelude in KBPT last weekend. Jill, Brian, my mom and the Lombardos all came up and we enjoyed a few Christmas cocktails, a little shopping and lots of laughs. We even saw Alec's nurse, Katie out at Hurricanes! She comes up every year with her high school friends, she is so sweet and it takes such a special person to do what she does.
Lizzy came over on Sunday and brought us 6 pre-made meals from a place in Freeport and a TJ's card from all the Salve Girls, her parents, Mrs. Dez and her cousin Ned. Thank you ALL! What a great gift, I am seriously going to forget how to cook! I cant wait to try some of them...cashew chicken, glazed pork!? Sounds delish?
And today we received a box of goodies from the Feehan Girls...with the most magnificent muffins ever! Alec had one tonight when we got home from work, smelled like a bakery in here! Thank you all...we are so spoiled!
The funny thing is, most people lose weight when they start chemo/radiation. When Alec started, he was 8 lbs less than what he was today! The doctor asked Alec if he had lost any weight, we both smirked at each other and I told him not to worry, we were keeping him fat and happy. Thanks to my friends and family, we DO NOT have to worry about becoming too skinny! (Not to mention he ate a 2 lb burrito yesterday!)
Fridays can not come fast enough for Alec. Tomorrow he will have his chemo pump removed, and one more radiation, then he is FREE for the weekend! Woohoo!
Thank you for all the prayers and support, we are so, so blessed.
Love to you all!
Heather & Alec
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