Well, Spring has sprung and round 2 of chemo begun. Alec started his lymphoma treatment this week. The first day of chemo is the longest,(we did not get home until 10pm!) they have to slowly administer the Rituximab because it can cause side effects instantly and he has to be monitored. He did have a minor reaction, an itchy sensation around his ear, nose, throat. I guess this means the drug was actually attacking the area where the cancer cells were! (Remember the lyhpmona started in his throat?) Weird Right? At least we know the drug is working and working quickly. The rest of the drugs were administered over an hour or so. Katie, Alec's nurse took excellent care of him, and it was good to see her. Although Alec said he wishes we were just meeting up in a bar and not the chemo floor. We are very happy she was able to take care of him and we did not have to see anyone else! (She specializes in GI cancers and was not too familiar with this regimen, but did a great job)
Side effects are nausea, tiredness, low blood counts, hair loss and a few other minor ones. He has been feeling a little nausea in the mornings but if he stays on top of his drugs he is able to keep it under wraps. Since Alec has 2 types of cancers, Dr. Tek is hitting him real hard with chemo. Most patients have a three week cycle, but Alec has a two week cycle so we can get this over ASAP and start with the colorectal chemo again. I find it so facinating that all these poisons are put into his body, but kills the cancer. I read "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks" and it was an interesting insight into how chemo/radiation all started. Doctors were so determined even back in the early 1900's to defeat cancer. They tried everything, one doctor would go to a farm every morning to a chicken coop, take a chicken placenta and add other animal parts, potions, etc to try to find a cure. Incredible what it took to come up with these drugs that now CURE cancer.
Last weekend we went out with Lizzy and friends and family to an excellent Greek restaurant in Portland to celebrate her Birthday. It was so much fun and great to get out for a night on the town. Thank You!

We are hanging in this weekend, getting ready for the big marathon! Cant wait. Hopefully Alec will be feeling better this week...we have lots to do around here before the Stripers move up. I learned how to sew a few weeks ago...Alec is already talking about having a "pillow intervention" I must have sewed 12 pillows by now and next on my list are the chaise lounge cushions! He just doesn't get the purpose of "throw" pillows. He hates them. But I have them everywhere, (I would hate to count how many, including the porch furniture, he may be right with a "pillow intervention!").
Holy cow...Katie (Alec's nurse) warned us that he would be hungry because of the prednisone, let me tell you...I have never seen him eat so much! He had two desserts, after dinner tonight, just polished off a box of cheez-its and is now eating a chocolate bar.
Poor Julia had pneumonia and was at Childrens for a couple days. I guess she is feeling better and is home, but please say an extra little prayer for her. POor baby, she has been through so much.
Thank you for all your prayers and support. We are so lucky.
All our Love,
Heather, Alec, Millie & Finn!
Happy to hear Alec has an appetite. Hoping each round gets just a little bit easier. It's amazing how strong the body can be. Keep up the positive energy!
ReplyDeleteHi Guys, Glad Alec is responding so well, and he has a good appetite, everytime I read you blog I get hungry! Love the pillows and the sisal rug! Heather- Good luck today. xo Kate Mogul