What a run!
Thank you all who came out to cheer the DeMarco sistahs on! Thank you to all who donated so we could run 26.2! Jilly, Tina and I had a great run. I really had never felt better...around mile 16 I got my "second wind" and really felt as though I had wings! It was amazing. Boston is certainly the best marathon and there are so many inspirational stories. As I took the last corner and saw the finish line, I became so overwhelmed. I had to take deep breathes so I would not start to cry (happy tears). I think the marathon can be compared to what we are going through and to see the end gave me hope that soon enough we will cross that finish line!
How they compare:
Its a long road. But you know there is a finish line. There are so many friends and family cheering for us. There is a heartbreak hill. You must take good care of yourself and each other along the way. Sometimes you think you cant do it. Sometimes you feel like you are being carried. You meet so many wonderful people. There are lots of people who are affected by cancer and run to honor or remember a loved one. God is always with us. You look back and say "did I really just do that!!??"
I have never felt better post race. No soreness, no limping, no complaints! Must be the bottle of wine Jill, Tina and I shared the night before the marathon. Or maybe the 4 Blue Moons I drank post marathon. Remind me if I ever run another, forget the gatorade and gu...I should just drink the good stuff.

Again, thank you for all your support we could not have done it without you!
All our Love!
Heather, Jill, Tina
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