Hope everyone is enjoying the first week of May and the beautiful weather we are having.
Not too much to report this week. Alec is feeling OK, not as good as last week but still pretty good all things considered. I gave him a buzz cut last weekend since his hair started to come out. He looks like Mr. Clean...a cuter one of course. It is the first time I have EVER seen him without a go-tee!
Alec re-sided some of the house last weekend while Lyss, Liz and I were sunning ourselves on the deck. He was non-stop energy and must have checked off 30 to-do's around here. Alli Rice made us the most yummy sausage meal last weekend, it was so delish! I must get the recipe. And a strawberry shortcake to top it off. Thanks so much Alli!
Work shmork. I had a meeting in Philly this week, it is the first one I have been able to make one since last summer. It was actually great to see some co-workers. Sales can certainly feel isolating at times. Although, I am very lucky, there are so many offices who love Alec and it feels so good to know they are pulling for us and care so much about him. They feel like an extended family and we are very, very grateful for their support. And...he will be back, I promise that!
OK, as I am writing this we are reminiscing about how we first met. The lovely ladies, Robin and Reesa from New England OB/GYN set us up. I met them at a lunch meeting right after I had moved from California to Boston. They told me about this great guy named Alec who rode motorcycles and hiked and mountain biked. The first time I saw him I was with my boss. Awkward. But then we ran into each other again a few weeks later at 1 Brookline and he called me Kathy. KATHY! Say What!? Another time he was in the parking garage at 1 Brookline walking and I almost ran him over while trying to take a tight corner. He stood there laughing at me. He finally asked me out and we were not supposed to go out until May 6th, but I was going out for Cinco De Mayo with Tina and Allison and he was going out with his friends so we met up at Tia's where I drank way to many Margaritas. (Which is why I am not allowed to drink Tequila any more.) We went out again the next night on our real date and have not left each others side since. Boy, have we had a lot going on in 4 years!
This weekend I am hoping my family can make it up for a day or two so we can enjoy some nice weather and Mothers Day. I don't know what I would do without my mom! :) Alec has another chemo on Monday, hopefully all will go well!
Happy Mothers Day to all you moms out there! Hope you enjoy the day!
Love to all,
Heather, Alec and Millie
Happy May Feath!