Alec, Millie and I went fishing on Sunday and he caught the first striper of the season! Hooray! As we were loading the boat a boarder collie came bouncing over to meet Millie. Well, Millie was not a fan and with her big ole bottom end, she bumped the collie off the dock and into the water! Alec had to "rescue" the dog and when he got out he ran off soaking wet with his tail between his legs. Millie! Not Nice! Next time the collie should wear his life jacket.
We went to the Sugarland concert Friday fun! Alec is NOT a fan of Sugarland, maybe because I played them over and over last summer. But it was a great girls night out!!! (Well not all girls, Kendalle's dad and Cat's husband are also big fans!)

Girls night out to Sugarland!

Since this is the last week of chemo, Alec will have another PET scan in early June. This will determine if there are any other spots the lymphoma is festering in his body and also if the chemo has worked. Please say an extra prayer that his scans come back negative. Dr. Tek said Alec has done "remarkably well" throughout this cycle and feels pretty confident that this is all he will need.
We also need to schedule an appointment with Dr. Allen, Alec's oncologist for the colorectal cancer. I think he is avoiding this next step since it means 6 more months of chemo and carrying around his chemo pump. (Remember the little "purse like" bag he has to wear for 48 hours every two weeks). Not fun.
That's about all for now!
Thanks for your prayers and support!
ALl our love,
Heather, Alec and Millie
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