5 years ago tonight Alec and I were hanging out for the first time, drinking margaritas at Tia's. Wow have things changed...I am laying on the couch with my legs elevated to try to relieve my swollen cankles watching America Idol and Alec is wanting to go to bed. We are so in our 30's.
I did, however, make it out to the bar last night with the girls after an engagement dinner party for Amy. Have you ever seen a 9 month preggo lady at a bar!? There is something so not right about that!
We are counting down, 2 weeks from today is the due date! I am so excited and so ready. These last few weeks are the most uncomfortable, I waddle around and look and feel like I have been stung by bees I am so puffy. Its hard to complain when Alec had chemo this week, (and never complains) between the two of us we are trying to take care of each other but neither of us feel like doing much.
Last weekend finally felt like the beginning of summer. We had a house full of friends, a campfire, toasted marshmallows, played a little bean bag and Adam made delicious steamers. Nothing feels more like summer than s'mores and steamers! Sofia came up for her first Maine visit, I think it was a success! I bet she cant wait to eat s'mores too.

Alec and I totally blame Mel and Adam for our lame nick names for each other...a few years ago they used to call each other "Shmoopie", and we all would tease them about it. Then Alec and I started to call each other "Shmoopie". Then it was shortened to "Shmoo", and now its even worse, its Moo. Yes, Alec and I call each other Moo. So endearing. I am Moo, Alec is Moo and Millie is "Midgie Moo". We are just a bunch of Moos. In the meantime, Mel and Adam changed their names to "Dear". So the Moo's and the Dear's hung out with the Ruggieri's. OK, now I am laughing out loud, because Alec, who doesn't know what I am writing, just said "Moo, do we have any cheese?" Oh brother, I just hope we don't call poor Bam Moo too.

Sofia the Flying Nun!

Can you say Puffy? I actually got stuck in a door last night at the restaurant. So embarrassing!

We are looking forward to another sunny weekend and celebrating Mothers Day. (Do I qualify and get a gift yet?) We are very thankful for our Moms, what would we do without them!?We hope you all you Moms out there (new and old) have a wonderful weekend and a Happy Mothers Day!
Thank you for all the support and prayers. Alec and I are so blessed and have such an incredible summer to look forward to!
God Bless!!
The Moos.
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