I can hardly believe a week ago today Chase was born!
We are enjoying every minute of this little guy, he is perfect in every way. I still have a hard time believing he is all ours. We came home Wednesday afternoon and I think he really likes his new digs. We feel very lucky, he has been a very good baby so far, and loves to eat (just like Daddy!) and luckily, I have not had any issues in the milk department. When we left the hospital he was 7lbs 3oz and as of Friday at his first pediatrician appointment he was 7lbs 9 oz, I guess babies usually take up to 10 days to surpass their baby weight...not this guy! Looking at pictures, I cant believe how much he has changed already. The two up top were when he was 2 and 3 days old, the ones below are days 5-7, his chubby cheeks are coming through!
Alec has been the best Daddy, I am so impressed. I did not even have to change a diaper until Friday afternoon and they have been few and far between since. He does all the dirty work and when Chase cries at night, Alec gets him, gives him to me to nurse and changes and swaddles him back up in seconds. I call him Chase's pit crew. He even has the bassinet next to his side of the bed so he can be the one to wake when he starts fussing.

We have been for 2 walks on the beach and I think Chase loves the salt air and the sound of the waves, all he does is sleep!

Chase passed out after our walk on the beach.
We have had a bunch of visitors, including my parents, Alec's Mom, Auntie Jill and Uncle Brian, the Lombardos and the Olson's and Auntie Charlotte. He is such a lucky boy to have so many people love him so much already! He has been so spoiled too, so many cute new outfits, and they are all BLUE! And, it so so helpful to have so many people helping us out, I cant remember the last time I cooked.
As for me, I am healing well, every day it gets a little easier. I was so fortunate to have such an easy delivery, that its hard to complain with the post-delivery pains and soreness, but every day I feel more like myself. I think Alec realized how it feels to be in the caretakers shoes, and it is much easier being the patient, I swear. Like I mentioned, he has been unbelievable, I actually feel quite spoiled. But, lets be honest, I deserve it after all!

My weak attempt to have Chase wave the American flag for Memorial Day!
And more importantly...Millie. She is adjusting. She kind of looks at Chase like "Oh goodness, I knew this was coming, Mom, Dad, how could you bring one of those home?" Then looks at me with those sad puppy eyes and says "Mom, are things ever going to be like they were?" Yes Millie. I promise. Once we get on a schedule I will take you and Chase for long walks again. Not that she has it so bad, Alec has been walking her and giving her plenty of attention, but she is defiantly a little mad at me. And, she sure is smart, when Chase has a rough patch through the night she practically runs out of the room and downstairs. You certainly cant blame her!

So neglected...(she has been to the beach for a walk every day)
It really is amazing how much you can love someone, and that love grows every minute. So many people tried to tell us, but you really do have to experience it to know what they are talking about.
I added some pictures, I think I have about 500 more, but they take so long to download, I am going to try to add the link to the blog from Kodak to share.

Chase's first bath.

Snuggling with Gramma

Hanging out with Mommy on the deck. (Mosquito net was a lifesavor! I wanted to wear one.)
Taking a nap

Chillin with Auntie Cha.
And that's all for now! We will see when I will get another hour to update the blog, I don't think its going to happen any time soon.
We have never been more happy and more in love!
Thank you all for the continued love and prayers, we are so, so blessed.
Heather, Alec, Chase and Millie
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