Last year while in Bar Harbor, we were in the midst of the IVF cycle, just hoping and praying for a miracle...and this year we got to carry that miracle around with us and show him this beautiful place...
Tuesday, the day we arrived, it had poured buckets. As soon as we drove over the bridge, the sky started to clear up and there was an amazing sunset! Not a bad way to start our vacation.
Wednesday, we all met the Lombardo's and Heidi and John at my parents and headed out for the first hike.

Thursday we did three little hikes...Ship Harbor, The Tarn Trail and Compass Point. I often wonder what it would be like to go on vacation and just lay around for a week...I don't think we would like it too much. We also got to see our good friends , The Bakers, Thursday night. They are always praying for us, we are very grateful. And we are so happy they got to meet Chase!

Alec teaching Chase how to hike.

At Ship Harbor...

Friday we did Great Head, another favorite of mine because it over looks Sand Beach. We saw a bald eagle from right here, but I was too slow with the camera. What do you think Chase?

Saturday we met up with Alec's family, walked around Jordan Pond and met up with the rest of my family for some popovers and lobster stew.

Chase with Grandma and Papa at Jordan Pond.

This year my sisters were not able to come up (Jill and Brian just got back from their honeymoon and Tina and Bob have 2 babies and a new home) And since Alec and I were only able to make reservations last minute, (not knowing if we could make it because of the clinical trial) we had slim pickings for house rentals. We ended up in an older home, which was cute but had some seriously creepy clowns looking at us for a week...I am glad no one had any nightmares. Don't think we will be staying here again!

Millie got to ride "shotgun" the whole way home! Lucky dog.
But I got to hang out with my baby...

Alec has his first scan Thursday (we thought it was Tuesday, someone in scheduling made a mistake). Of course we are both nervous as usual, but we did hear some "good news" if you will. Alec's nurse told us a story that is so amazing, we just have to have hope. One of her patients, a 32 year old male (non-smoker) has lung cancer. It was bad, really bad, the cancer was every where. He has been on a targeted drug therapy similar to Alec's. 6 weeks into his treatment he has clean scans and the cancer is no where to be found. Now thats what I'm talking about! Pretty amazing.
I am back to work as of Monday and although I am bummed that my three months is up and I wont be spending all day with my boy, I feel lucky to have had such an incredible summer with my new little family.
I leave tomorrow night for Maryland until Thursday. As you can imagine, I am beside myself leaving Chase. I know he will be just fine, but will he remember me? Will he be mad I left? Will he still love me as much when I return? I am looking forward to one thing...sleeping through the night! Although I am sure I will wake up at 3:00am like I have for the past three months. Chase did sleep through the night 3 nights in Bar Harbor, must have been the mountain and sea air, but whatever it was it didnt last.
We are saying lots of prayers that we get some good news soon. By the way Alec was hiking up those trails, we have to believe the drug is working. Also keeping in our prayers is Judy, a women from church who goes in for surgery on Thursday for pancreatic cancer. Lots of thoughts and prayers to her.
We feel so blessed to have had such a wonderful summer. Life is good and we are grateful for each and every day we have.
Thank you God and thank you to all our family and friends!
God Bless!
Heather, Alec, Chase and Millie
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