I can hardly believe Chase is going to be 11 weeks old tomorrow! He is getting so big, at his doctors appointment this past week he weighed 14 lbs and is now 25 inches long! A "keeper" according to Alec and his striper fishing regulations. He is in the 96% percentile for height and 75% for weight. It really amazes me how every day he becomes more of a little person...a person whom I am completely obsessed with and cant get enough of. Seriously, I will be sitting there, feeding him while looking at pictures or videos, I just cant look at anything else. He is so cute, and of course we think he is brilliant, playing already in his saucer and hitting the buttons (not sure if he does it by accident or on purpose) but we think he is going to be the smartest baby ever. He is also so strong, holding his head up, standing up, and trying so hard to sit up on his own. Those little legs can kick!

He was a little angel at church, sleeping soundly through some of it, only to wake up halfway through smiling and wanting to flirt with the ladies. I thank God every day for our little miracle!!!
Alec has been fishing the past few days, on Saturday he went with his best bud John and his son Jack who caught a 31" striper. Chase and I went one day and then spent a couple days at the beach with Auntie Charlotte. My beach days are never going to be the same, I have come to this conclusion, at least not for the next 18 years. I will probably never again read a book or sit for more than 15 minutes at a time, but hey, its all worth it. If he is sleeping, I am constantly checking on him, making sure no sun is seeping through and if he is awake, I am either playing with him under the umbrella or feeding him. And I may as well enjoy this stage because next year I will probably be chasing him around!
In the midst of Jill and Brian's wedding I had two of my best friends get married, Meg and Jesse in Oregon and Kate and Mak in San Diego. Because they were West coast weddings and little Chase cant fly yet, we weren't able to go, but we wish them the best and are so happy for the newlyweds! I wished we could have been there! I think I am going to go through some wedding withdrawals pretty soon.
Alec has been feeling well, and we are praying hard and anxious to get the scan in 2 weeks. I think we are about due for some good news!
We are enjoying the last few weeks of summer with our little family...every day is a gift!
Thank you all for the prayers and love! We are so blessed!
Heather, Alec, Chase and Millie (oh and Maker too, who we are doggysitting for the honeymooners)
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