Today Chase (and Kelsey) turned 4 months! Yikes, this is going by way too fast. He seriously gets cuter every day, all the kid does is smile! And, I spend all my time making him smile, and really trying to make him laugh. His laugh is so cute and I will do anything to hear it...Alec tried to "turn me off" yesterday because sometimes I can be overly enthusiastic in my efforts, (literally, he used the remote and pressed off, but it didn't work). I love this age, I think newborns are cute and all, but 4 months is so much fun! He recently started to suck on his toes (which can be a problem when he has lint in between those little piggies) and he also flirts with ladies, yells and talks really loud (in baby language, he is smart, but not that smart), and is constantly causing people to stop in their tracks just so they can adore his cute little face. I believe he is going to be quite the ham, he just knows how to work a crowd. He brings so much joy to us, I just love this little man so much.
I know I am obsessed, because today I received an order from Kodak, I took and ordered 789 photos within four months. And those are only the "good" ones.

I am off to bed, its 8:30 on a Friday night and I cant wait to go to sleep. Chase still doesnt have that down yet, but we are working on it...
Thank you for all the prayers. No word yet on clinical trials, but we are keeping the Faith.
Oh, and Happy real Birthday to Bob COunihan, anyone who was born on the 23rd of any month this year might be over looked, and for that I apologize.
Heather, Alec, Chase and Millie
He seriously does get cuter every month!!! Love him! Love, Auntie Jilly