Two weekends ago we had Kendalle and Steve's wedding in the Cape, and it was beautiful and so much fun. It was great to see all my highschool friends and be together. Alec was with his college friends Friday night to Saturday and drove all the way down to the Cape Saturday night. What a good husband he is.
This past weekend we stayed home and Chase got to hang out with his Auntie Charlotte on Friday and Auntie Jilly (also known as Auntie Silly Jilly by her other newphew Jack) on Saturday. Chase is so lucky to have so many women in his life who spoil him rotten. Sunday we went to church (we really needed that!) it always feels so good to let some of our worries go and know that God is in control. Alec did feel well enough one night to go for a short ride on the boat and although there were no fish to be caught, it felt so nice to be doing what he loves to do best.
These last few weeks have been really hard. Alec does not feel well and it is hard for me to see him this way. I am so use to him runnning around the house, always on the go and doing 10 thousand things. It makes me sad and scared. But, every day he is here, is a day closer to that clinical trial that is going to cure his cancer. It is so hard to wait, I can say throughout this entire process waiting has always been the hardest part. Waiting for scans results, waiting on pathology, waiting for the doctor to come in the room with news, waiting for a new plan, waiting in the waiting room, waiting in Boston traffic, waiting for a phone call from a doctor...waiting, waiting, waiting. Alec's Mom said that waiting and praying go together and I say...aint that the truth.
This week we are just hoping, praying, waiting, trying not to let the bad thoughts creep into our minds, and remembering that God has a plan.
Thank you for all the prayers and support. This has been an especially hard time for us and it comforts us knowing how many prayers are being said each day. We could not ask for more. (OK, we could ask for God to answer those prayers STAT!)
Heather, Alec, Chase and Millie
Chase out fishin...

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