Today we have been married for three years! It feels more like 30, but hey whose counting? For the past 3 years, September 27th has been rainy, cloudy and even hurricaning. Today could not be a more beautiful fall day...maybe its a sign?
We have certainly had our ups and downs over the last three years. It has made us stronger and our marriage more solid and I think we give "unconditional love and through sickness and health" a whole new meaning. I could never ask for more in a husband, Alec is the perfect match for me and I feel so lucky to have found my soul mate and spent the last 3 years by his side. Tonight we went out to Pier 77 (thanks Mom and Dad!) and it brought back so many wonderful memories. We came home and watched our wedding video and looking back it was such a joyful night, we were so carefree and in love.
Now I have 2 men in my life who I adore(and who adore me!)...what more could I ask for?
Happy Anniversary!
Alec has been feeling a little better since last week. Katie, his nurse, told us he should not be in pain, and made an appointment for him with Dr. Allen to get things under control. God, I really dont know what I would do without Katie, she is our little guardian angel and keeps Alec in line for me. (He would rather listen to his nurse, doctor, anyone but his wife, guess "listen to your wife" wasnt part of our vows).
The Moguls came up for a weekend visit and Jon and Alec (who I swear are long lost brothers) got to play with their toys, (guns and fishing poles).
Jon brought his new gun...which is supposedly now outlawed in some states and is the same gun that killed Osama Bin Ladan, not sure if he was kidding or not...but Alec got to pretend his target was Bin Ladan...
I got a glimpes into what I think Chase will be like as a two year old...Katie and Jon's son Weston is all boy and keeps his parents very, very busy. He is a sweet and good boy, but always bumping, bruising, running around with no clothes on and oh yeah, taking a poop in a tidal pool and wanting to keep it and bring it home. Too funny. My Mom came to the beach with us and pointed out that Katie and I are two of the most girly-est girls she knows, yet we have these little bruisers who could not be more boy. (Chase now laughs when he toots, how the heck does a 4 month old know that a toot is gross, but funny?)) I have learned thus far...a boys life revolves around 3 things, toots, poop and boobs. This summer, my 5 year old cousin Josh was in Bar Harbor, while eating dinner at Geddys he sat under a mural of a naked mermaid (with boobs of course). He commented to the waitress "now I could just sit here and stare at that lady my whole life!" Oh my, little boys sure know how to keep us laughing!
Walking the beach with no pants...because thats how boys roll.

Weston and his Mommy...

Grandma and Chase...

We are still waiting and praying for a clinical trial. Nothing yet, but Dr. Allen assured us once again that Alec is at the top of the list. We ran into Dr. Urich and he said the same, all we can do is hope and pray!
Thank you all for the much needed prayers. They must be working because we are certainly feeling a little better than last week.
Heather,Alec, Chase, Millie

Weston and his Mommy...

Grandma and Chase...

We are still waiting and praying for a clinical trial. Nothing yet, but Dr. Allen assured us once again that Alec is at the top of the list. We ran into Dr. Urich and he said the same, all we can do is hope and pray!
Thank you all for the much needed prayers. They must be working because we are certainly feeling a little better than last week.
Heather,Alec, Chase, Millie
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