
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

A Grateful Heart.

I am Grateful.  It says so on my wrist.

I always say my prayers, especially with Chase after we read a book.  It starts like this: "Dear God, thank you for all you have blessed us with"  And then, we go down the list of family and friends who need special prayers...prayers for strength, hope, healing.

And sometimes...when I am too tired to say hardly anything...I simply whisper, "thank you".  And God knows...exactly what I am referring to.

But also, so many times throughout the day I thank Him.  It is part of me now saying "God Bless You"  when someone sneezes, I say "Thank You" when I see Him.  In the sky...out in the ocean...walking through the good news...or when I feel Him present...I thank Him.  Why wait until night when I pray?  Why wait until Thanksgiving to be Thankful for all I have?

Living a grateful life has transformed me...from a sad widow with a broken heart to a grateful young woman who was fortunate enough to have loved deeply and experienced a lifetime of joy, sadness, hope and healing, all in a very short amount of time.  But I am grateful for all of it...because it makes my life better, puts things into perspective, the little things do not matter.  I see things differently then most, I have learned that life is sacred, precious, that there are no guarantees...people you love may not be here tomorrow...losing someone you love more than anything really does change everything. 

Having a heart full of gratitude does not mean that I do not grieve and mourn for my loss, I do that plenty. Tears still flow regularly, and my heart still hurts and yearns for what could have been...and sometimes, I just plain miss him. But I have come to realize that it is all part of this process and some day it will be less...and less...and less...and my gratitude will only grow...and grow and with a grateful heart...there is less room for sadness.

As we all gather around the table tomorrow to give thanks and eat and laugh...of course I will be thankful...but no more thankful tomorrow than any other day.  I get to live every day in Thanksgiving...and for that I am grateful.

Chase and I wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving tomorrow.

"Can you see the holiness in those things you take for granted-a paved road or a washing machine?  if you concentrate on finding what is good in every situation, you will discover that your life will suddenly be filled with gratitude, a feeling that nurtures the soul." - Rabbi Harold Kushner

"Saying thank you is more than good manners.  It is good spirituality" - Alfred Painter

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

November Sky

For some pictures there are no words...

Friday, November 8, 2013

Thank You!

Last Sunday was our third year in participating in the Rear In Gear 5K.  I am truly amazed, blessed and humbled by the donations made, participants signed up and the LOVE that surrounds us on this day.  I was describing it to someone the other day..."it feels like my wedding day, each year, to have everyone I love in one place, I could not enjoy any day more than this day!"  Seriously, between my high school friends, college friends, my family, Alec's family, his college friends, and his childhood friends, it is such an incredible feeling, to know how many people care and want to be there for this day.  To say we are Blessed is an understatement.  We had over 80 people on our team, and at least 100 who came out in the frigid cold, wet, damp, raw, Sunday morning to run 3 miles and gather for food and drinks after.  I am beyond grateful for each and every one of you!

Our team, "Faith, Hope, Love" won "Most Spirited" this year, and we came in second for most money raised and largest team.  I learned who beat us, Team Jeanine, she was a 38 year old wife, mother of a little boy, and died of colon cancer this past April.  We were so happy to have Rich Ruffing and his clan on our team this year, his wife died this past winter after a long battle,Rich is a co-worker of my mother and fellow MGH chemo friends to Alec and I.  We were also joined again by Mark Vandette's family, who lost Mark a year little over a year and a half ago.  We ran for TJ, the 30 year old college alum of my sister who continues his battle and was unable to attend this year.  Unfortunately, our circle of those affected by colon cancer continues to grow, and they seem to get younger.

This race raises awareness and if we can save one life from this disease, just one, than it is all worth it.

I wish I could show my gratitude to all who supported us, my heart overflowed with joy on Sunday and the days after.  I am so thankful, I pray every night, and I just thank God for every single amazing person in my life.  I love you all.

Our awesome tshirts!  

Amy and Ally, my friends since second grade!  

Alec's good college friends, Todd and Stef!

Chase and Jaime, one of Alec's best friends from childhood.

Alec's best college friend and  best man, Ralph and his girlfriend Renee.  

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Some of my friends and their spouses, and Kate all the way from CA!  

Jill and I, thank you Jill for all you did to make the race another success!

My best friend Liz and me!  

2 of my best friends from Highschool!

My Dad and 2 of his girls

John and Jaime, Alec's best friends and two very special people to me and Chase.  

Alec's Mom, me and Chase.

Alec's sister, Chase and Mimi!  

We have done too many races together to count!  Sisters who run together stay together!  

Chase and Auntie Jill!

A ribbon in memory my cousin Josh's classmates father, a 35 year old father and husband taken too soon.   

Mark Vandettes Dad and Brother.

Our kick a@% sign....thanks Stef!  

My Bishop Feehan girls, friends forever!  

Runner girls.

Me and Amy, who married Keith last summer, Alec's college buddy.

UCONN guys and girls!  

Me and Caitlin and her belly.

My Salve friends!  

The ones that missed the race because they were too hungover...its OK, Alec would be proud!  No kids for a happens!  

Couldn't ask for better friends than who I have in my life!