
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Save The Date!

I'm so excited we we are hosting the second annual Alec Cyr Striper Tournament!  It is in the works now, but the date is final, July 18th is the Captains Party, (this year it will be held across the street at Aquaboggon) and fishing Friday through Sunday afternoon!  

If you sign up by June 1st, you will save 25.00.  The prices have gone don since last year, and the Captain's Party is only 25.00 which includes food, open bar and lots of chances to win fabulous prizes!

Last year was awesome, and this year will be even better!  Thanks for all your love and support, friends, family and fishermen!  

The website...

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Chase turns 2!

Happy 2nd Birthday to my little man!  

I love you more than you will ever know!  

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Loving Everyone.

This is one of the best books I have read in a long time.  I could not put it down and within 2 days (2 long Chase naps) I was done, I laughed, cried and I actually want to read it a second time so that I can take notes. 

Reading use to be one of my favorite things to do.  I would read all kinds of books, fiction, non fiction, action, mystery, love stories. However, ever since Alec died, I have been struggling.  I try to read a book, and unless I can 100% relate to it, I just can not get into it.  (So no, I never did read any of the 50 Shades) I am unsure why this has happened, I guess I don't have the time or patience or I really don't care about reading anything but non-fiction or books that are going to make me a better person or enlighten me in some way.  This book did that for me. 

Michael and Cara Chase are friends from church, Alec and I met them when we first started going and we became fast friends.  Cara and I walk together often and a couple times a month have "book club" with a few other church ladies.  I had been hearing about Michael's book for a while now, as Cara was editing it and they were letting me in on little bits and pieces.  Then one day he asked me if he could use an entry from my blog, the one about Millie.  Of course he could!  I was honored, excited and so happy that we would be part of such a special book. 

So here goes my book review.

Loving Everyone is Marley and Me meets a self help book.  Mollie, the Chase's poodle do I put this politely...Wild?  Crazy? Puppy-like? Bad?  No, not bad...OK kinda bad. But oh so sweet!  The first time I met Mollie, I was sitting at the Chase's table, eating a chip with dip on it and as I went to put it in my mouth, poof, it was gone.  Just like that.  Mollie!  Bad girl!  In your kennel!  And, that is just one example.  But Mollie, like every dog is loving, and has lots of energy, she just wants to make the most of each day. She is like a kid who has so much to offer that sometimes she gets overwhelmed and gets a little...errr...out of control? But in the end you want to give her a big kiss and cuddle her on the couch.  Wait...Mollie, get off the couch!  Michael has such a way of capturing Molle's crazy antics, but then he thoughtfully proves his point, that dogs love everyone, and humans can too, we just have to go about it a different way.  I actually did not think that it was possible, to Love Everyone.  But after reading his book, I learned that it actually is.  Michael walks us through the process, how we can live happier, healthier, more enlightened lives by being a bit more like Miss Mollie or your favorite canine friend. 

I love this book.  It really will enlighten you.  It will make you look at not only dogs differently, but people too.  It will be the perfect summer read.  Number 1 on your book list. 

Please check out  "The Radical Practice of Loving Everyone: A four-legged approach to enlightenment." It will give you a whole new perspective on life, love, and what matters most. It's now available on Amazon and everywhere books are sold!

New book trailer for "The Radical Practice of Loving Everyone: A four-legged approach to enlightenment."

Congrats to Michael, Cara and Mollie for writing such an incredible book, you should be so proud!  And thank you for making us a part of it, I am honored! 

Monday, May 6, 2013

Just another Manic Monday.

This kid is non stop.  He got up at 4:45 this morning and after only a couple hours, I could not wait to drop him off at school so I could go to work and get a break.  With each and every thing Chase does, he reminds me more and more of Alec, I guess that is why I love him so much.  He makes me laugh, roll my eyes, pushes me to do things I don't always feel like doing, he adores me like no other and is a constant reminder that life moves on and I am so blessed.

He runs around naked a lot more latly as he is slowly learning to go potty, so since he was pantless, he insisted I take off my PJ's too.  Finally, I gave in, if you can't beat em' join em' right!?

Then  he thought it would be fun to run around the house 35 times with them dragging behind him.

Finally, I get him dressed, wearing his Daddy's alumni shirt.

We are in the middle of binky wars. 

And I am losing...big time.

After I pick him up for school he wants to go for a bike ride, when we finish he says "All done!" and gives me a high five. I love having a biking buddy again.

Then he brings his fishing pole all the way up from the basement and wants to go "ishing outdide"

I have to bribe him back in with a "cucumbah"

And a "nana" (ba)

After dinner, (he eats salmon and brussel sprouts!) his sweet tooth gets the best of him and  he either goes straight for freezer for some ice cream or its cookie time.

Tonight was a cookie night.  He licks the middle of the cookies, then gives the rest to the dogs.  Smart kid.

Now its time for a tub!  Get the chocolate off your face!

Now its time to watch Happy Feet and cuddle with Mill.  Today was a good day.

I love him beyond words.  As I put him to bed tonight, I hear him singing the ABC's, and in the around M, he throws in the word "motacycle".  Then finishes.  Over and over.  He is just so cute and time is flying by, I can not believe he will be 2 in a couple weeks. 

Good night my little man, I love you.


Thursday, May 2, 2013


I am still in shock and I have known now for a couple months. 

My sister Jill called me one day and said she was pregnant...but there was more...with twins!  My jaw dropped, my stomach did flip flops!  Was this a joke!?  How was it possible?  Are they sure!? 

It appears that it is no joke....I saw her growing belly this week and at 4 months she is big, so big there has got to be two in there!  We are beyond thrilled to be adding not one but two little munchkins to our growing family.

Of course, the first question that people ask is does it run in the family?  Not directly, both my Mom and Dad have great aunts who were twins and Brian's Dad had a great set of aunt twins too, we also have a cousin who has twin boys, but other than that it was a total surprise and shock.  The first thing that came to my mind...ALEC!  He totally had something to do with this.  I just know it.  He is up there, talking to the big guy, working out some deal and now Jill and Brian are having twins. 

If anyone could handle twins, it would be Jill and Brian.  Both are laid back and I know they will be amazing parents.  Not every couple would survive twins, but they will and it will be fun to watch.  Every time I am with my sister and her husband, they have some funny story or silly banter back and forth, I love being with the both of them and I am so anxious to meet these two little Brillys!  (Brian+Jill=Brilly a nickname for Jilly and Brian)

Alec's best friends, John and Jaime have one son Jack who is 7 and twins, Alex and Ellie who will be 4 this summer.  They are the best three kids I have ever spent time with, they are so well behaved and are loving, adorable children.  They adore Chase and treat him like the most special friend, always including him, teaching him things, making sure Chase has a drink, a snack, a toy.  I love being with their family because I learn from them, they are not only incredible parents, but have a very special marriage, and, they were Alec's BEST friends since he was a little kid, and I have come to love them just like Alec does.  If John and Jaime can do it...Jilll and Brian can too!

Jill and I are so close that we use to pretend we were twins when we were little and it is a common question we are still asked from strangers.  And, I secretly wanted Chase to be a twin, and our chances were pretty high since we did IVF, but only one took and I know there was a reason for that now, can you imagine two little Chase's running around!?  Another reason I think they are having twins...if Alec were still here I would probably be having a baby any day now, since we wanted them close in age and 2 years would be perfect.  So maybe he knows that and he is sending two so that Chase has 2 more cousins close in age and I can get my baby fix soon.  I asked Brilly if I could have one (specifically baby B because he/she is so laid back with the little arms all stretched out in utero) but they said no.  They don't want to split them that way.  (Maybe they will reconsider after a couple months!)
Sometime this fall (her due date is her Birthday, October 13th!) 2 more grandchildren for my parents, making it a total of 5 in 4 years.  Apparently we like to have babies 2 at a time in my family, almost two years ago Chase and his cousin Kelsey were born on the same day and now real twins.  We do things double time in my family, makes it more exciting! 

What makes it even more exciting is that they are not finding out the sex.  I LOVE surprises and will be placing bets soon.  I am going with 2 boys!

Congrats Brilly!  WE love you and can not wait to meet the two sweet potatoes! 


Auntie Heather
First time ever Jill's belly is bigger than mine!  So cute!