
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Home Improvments

So, you think Alec has been laying around whining about chemo? Yeah RIGHT! As usual he has been busy, busy, busy. Here is the proof...

Today he cleaned gutters. (Boring, glad it was a weekday and I didn't have to help)

I also brought home two lights (wicked deal, $49 marked down from $300!) And he put those up withing minutes.

Earlier this week...

We had this fugly cubby hole, that was once covered by a curtain when it was a pantry. I tried making it look pretty with baskets, but it didnt look so good.

I kind of described what I wanted, and Alec took one look around the basement, scrapped together some old wood and made me these wonderful cabinet doors! Only costs $30 (hinges, sheet metal, door knobs)


Pretty Cute Right!??

He also put these lights in for me within minutes of walking them through the door...

I know its braggy, but I love having a handyman hubby. It really is so cool and I am so lucky!

I guess to sum it up, you know Alec is feeling good when he's running around the house checking things off my "Honey DO List".

I will have a few more projects this weekend, lets see what he can do!

Love to all,

Heather & Alec


  1. I loooooove the new lights, you are a LUCKY girl to have such a handy hubby. You both make such a great TEAM.


  2. Hey Heath - the cabinet doors look great!

    Thanks for staying over last night. Love you- T

  3. That's a nice cabinet door for the cubbyhole, and the lights certainly look charming. Your husband has been definitely busy doing a lot of stuff around, and he knows his priorities. While cleaning the gutters might not be on everyone's regular maintenance list, they're actually quite important.

    AJC Roofing
