
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Scan Results

Alec had his scan on Tuesday and met with Dr. Allen yesterday about his results. Unfortunately I could not be there with him since I am in Texas for the week, nervously awaiting to hear the news.

There was good and bad news. The good is that the spots on his lungs and lymph nodes have shrunk.

The bad news is that the liver spot has grown 1 cm. It is unusual for this to happen and now we are unsure whether or not surgery will be an option. Dr. Allen is meeting with all the GI doctors and the thorasic surgeon as well as a liver surgeon tomorrow morning to discuss his case and carefully decide what the best option will be. If they do decide that surgery would not be an option, then they could mix up his chemo treatment and give him something that will target his liver more directly.

I guess not many surgeries have been done with this diagnosis, so there is a higher risk. We are hoping Dr. Allen will present a good case for us and that the surgeons will decide to operate.

It was not the news we were hoping and praying for, but the good news is that there was some shrinking and stabilizing of the other spots. I talked to Alec's nurse, Katie last night (on her day off, she is so awesome) and she said there are still many avenues we can take, and if surgery does not look likely, he will be on chemo for a while longer until we see the shrinkage we want.

I told Alec last night that exactly a year ago he had a huge tumor in his body. One year later we are just trying to clean up the rest of it and a few spots here and there we can manage and get rid of somehow. Look how far we have come.

We just want this to be over so we can move on with our lives. But it can sometimes take years for that to happen and we have to remember to be patient and take one day at a time and just be grateful for every day.

I will update as soon as we hear from Dr. Allen tomorrow as to whether or not we can move forward with surgery. If its a go, he could have the surgery as soon as next week or the week after.

Thank you for your prayers and support. Please say an extra prayer that we get some good news tomorrow.

All our love,

Heather & Alec
& Millie

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