
Thursday, October 13, 2011

A Happy-Rainy Day

This is the day that the LORD has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24

Alec spent the day with his college friends. All of them, caravanned up, one starting as far away as New Jersey, a couple from Connecticut, Rhode Island and Boston to spend a rainy day in Maine just to be with their good friend Alec.

I know it meant so much to him, and I am grateful for today, as he had many laughs and it certainly brightened things up around here.

We received bundles of packages today, thank you all, the King Philip family for the incredible basket and the Feehan girls for the chocolate fruit and Jill's friends for the beautiful flowers. Every time I open something, whether it be a card, text, email, voicemail, I become emotional, because we have so many people out there who have been with us, praying, supporting, loving us for two years, and you have never relented, through the good times and the bad and we are forever grateful.

Our Moms and sisters have been taking good care of us all week, cooking, cleaning, taking night feedings with Chase. Even Brian mowed our lawn and weed wacked (not bad for a Southie guy with no lawn...although I had to start the mower...haha, in his defense, its a tricky one) And my Dad chopped some wood, something old Papa hasn't done in 20 years. We love and cherish all the visits and company we have had, and look forward to many more friends and family making their way up to Maine in the future. Thank you to Jan and church and the special prayers we are receiving, I can feel them and we know that we are in good hands.

We are just taking each day at a time, loving and living and making the most of our beautiful life.


Heather, Alec, Chase and Millie


1 comment:

  1. Andrea Bassi-MoralesOctober 16, 2011 at 1:56 PM

    Thank you for keeping us up to date about Alec. He is a good friend and classmate from Bangor High School. I am best friends with Jaimie Martin and she has kept me up to date as well. I'm sorry to have not reached out to you both sooner. You have a beautiful family and spirit! Alec was always a funny and kind spirited person who had a big effect on my life. He is the one who planted the seed for my current profession and I will never forget that. I'm saddened by what you and Alec must be going through but am equally overwhelmed by your strength and faith. Alec is a very lucky man to have found a partner as special as you...and to have a child that is now both of you! I want you and Alec to know that I am thinking of you and have you in my prayers. Keep him smiling and joking.
    Andrea Bassi-Morales
