
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Hanging In There....

We are doing OK. I heard that each day it gets easier, although I am not sure I believe that, because each day I miss Alec more and I start to realize I am never going to see him again.

Millie misses her Dadda...she has to know what has happened. I think dogs are smarter than we think. She is grieving too, and I am there for her. Because, when I need her, she is always there for me, with her head on my knee, crying with me. We are good for each other, she needs a walk every day, and so do I. We need each other. I love my Millie girl.

But then there is Chase, who needs me, and I need to be strong and brave for him.

And we all have our family and friends, and that is what matters most. I don't know where I would be without you all.

The beautiful days are so much more beautiful and I know Alec us somewhere out there, watching, protecting.

My family now...

He is the reason...

How can I not be grateful? I have Alec with me always...

And he makes us all so happy...

I love my sweet baby...he is a constant reminder of Miracles, and God and Hope and Faith.

Life will never be the same, I miss my husband more than I thought possible. There is a void that will never be filled. He is gone, and my heart aches...but luckily, I have my Chase and he is my world. I will go on.



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