
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Shrinkage...the good kind.

Good News!

Alec had his appointment this week and we were blessed with some good news. Drum role please....his tumor has shrunk! Dr. Shellito (Alec's surgeon) was able to take a look at the tumor and compare it to when he first saw it in October. He was "very pleased" with the results. (my ears perk up every time I hear words like, pleased, optimistic, curable, etc. I take mental notes of any and all positive words because I know doctors do not just say words like that unless they mean it!)

What this means is that the radiation and chemo has worked! I remember Dr. Allen back in October saying the results at the end of his first round of treatment would be "very telling" and hopefully his body will respond to the drugs...and he did! Hallelujah!

Alec's surgery has been scheduled for 3/8. Why did they wait so long? I guess radiation continues to work long after the last day of treatment which was 1/12. So 8 weeks gives it even more time to shrink the tumor and create the best case scenario for surgery, which is going to be very difficult according to Dr. Shellito.

Jenny Craig or Weight Watchers? Alec started his diet today. Dr. Shellito advised him to lose as much weight as possible before the surgery, again to get optimal results and make the surgery and recovery as easy as possible. Biggest Loser here we come! He has also talked about buying some of those "shape-up" sneakers, walking sticks and some short shorts so he can power walk around the neighborhood. (he was kidding...I think!)

We still find it pretty funny that while most patients who under go chemo/radiation lose tons of weight and are encouraged to eat more, Alec just cant seem to stay away from ice cream sundays, whoopie pies and chimichangas!!!!

Last weekend I took off for a girls only party at Steph's house where we partied till 4:00 in the morning! Just like the old days at Salve. It was great to see everyone and meet Steph's beautiful baby girl, Mia. Alec spent some QT with his sisters and mom.

Next week he will have a MRI, which will give the doctors a clearer picture of how things are going throughout the rest of his body. Keeping our fingers crossed for some more good news!

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. (I think they are working!)


Heather, Alec, Millie

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