
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Is it SUMMER yet?

Is it me or is winter dragging by? I know its only the second week in January, but I am already longing for Spring and Summer. Snowboarding was really the only thing we had to do up here in winter, and since I was always falling hard on my butt, I am forced to take the season off. All that's left to do is ice fish...boring. I spent the afternoon yesterday making sauce and meatballs, that was pretty much the highlight of my weekend. Alec went ice fishing at Long Pond (the one next to West Pond) with Tom again yesterday, but he couldn't drag me out of bed. Ice fishing can be fun when you drink more than a few beers, but that is also something I cant do for a while.

Today was a beautiful day, and we went to church, which is always nice, we went for a couple walks then gave Millie a much needed bath....she was stinky! We may need a new hobby or something, last year I had started training for the marathon with my sisters, could I possibly miss those long runs!? Of course I am not complaining, (maybe I am just a little) I would surely rather be pregnant in the winter than summer (I cant even think about bathing suits with my pot belly!) But with no snowboarding, no running and no drinking beers, it makes for a very long winter weekend! We did however, book a week in Florida, thanks to Alec's mom who bought us tickets for Christmas, and also Jon and Katie for again offering their condo to us, we are literally counting down the days...24 more! (But still wont be wearing a bathing suit!)

We both love to cross country ski, but we hardly have any snow up here! Hard to believe that two years in a row Boston has more snow than Maine. OK, enough of my whining, but I am ready for summer. In fact, I had a dream last night we were out on the boat tuna fishing with my Papa, oh if only dreams were sometimes true!

First (and far) fish of the season! Yummy dinner.

Today, while giving Millie a bath, I couldn't help but take her picture. She HATES bath time, she gets embarrassed. So naturally, I had to take out my camera and capture the moment. It reminded me of when she was a puppy, and Alec gave her first bath and how she hated that too...

Alec had a PET scan last week, and we are patiently waiting to hear results. The word scan gives me butterflies in my stomach, I can hardly even say it. There should be an appointment this week with Dr. Allen, to talk about results and next steps. It has been so nice to have this time off from cancer, we are not looking forward to getting back to reality. I am just praying to God for strength and courage to get through whatever the next battle may be. I know that HE can not change results or circumstances, HE can only carry us through those difficult times.

Please say a prayer for us this week. We are cautiously optimistic, Alec feels and looks so darn good, it would be hard to believe otherwise.

Thank you for the prayers and support, lets hope we start 2011 out with some good news!

All our love,

Heather, Alec, Millie & Bam :)

1 comment:

  1. We are sending you our thoughts and prayers!!! xoxoxoxo
    Love Meg and MikeyC
