Thank you, thank you, thank you! Katie, Alec's nurse just called and made us cry the happiest tears, ALL of Alec's tumors have SHRUNK! YES, SHRUNK! We are ecstatic, I can not remember the last time I have felt this much joy and relief! Thank you GOD! And seriously, THANK YOU ALL for the prayers!
We will know more details on Tuesday when Alec meets with Dr. Allen. Remember, shrinkage was considered a "bonus" and all they were looking for was stabilization. So this news is even better than we could have expected! He will continue chemo for as long as it takes, but now we know it is working! We however, know that it is more than chemo, it is every prayer and it is God's healing power! THANK YOU!
"The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you."
Alec and Millie doing a happy dance!
Heather, Alec, Bam and Millie!
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