
Monday, November 8, 2010

Fast Forward Button Please.

This is the week...Alec goes into surgery Wednesday and the nerves, dread and anxiety have started to set in.

Maybe this time it is worse because we know now what to expect post surgery and it ain't fun. If there was one time in my life I could use a fast forward button, this would be the time. We have to be there Wednesday at 7:30 and surgery is expected to last hours with at least 3 hours of recovery. Its not even surgery day that is the worst, but the days after when the pain sets in and the feeling of helplessness takes over.

The only thing we can do is focus on the future and the healing that this will hopefully bring.

Alec and I have just been laying low as I am recovering from an annoying cold. He follows me around with antibacterial wipes and makes me use hand sanitizer every 30 seconds. I don't blame him, but its no fun when your husband is about to go into surgery and you cant even give him a kiss!

We went to see the movie "Due Date" the other night and it was hilarious. If anyone needs a good laugh, we both give it two thumbs up. "Trains, Planes and Automobiles" was always one of my favorites and this movie was similar to and just so darn funny.

Alec has requested fried clams as his last meal before the surgery, I say...extra tarter sauce please!

I will be staying in Boston with Jill and Brian and if anyone wants to meet up for a walk or dinner, let me know! Alec's family and my family will be around, but I am sure I will have some time to kill, Alec is not a big fan of us sitting around his bed staring at him while he sleeps. Not to mention, it does us all some good to get fresh air and good food.

I guess all we can ask for is prayers, prayers for healing, prayers for strength to get through this, prayers for time to go by fast and prayers for a cancer free future. (I know, its asking a lot, but why not right!?)

We thank you all for your love and support over the next few weeks. We could not get through this without you!

God Bless!

Heather, Alec and Millie

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